Hey guys, just wanna ask about History SBQ (Secondary). You see, there's this source:
ok basically, the millions refer to money... but i go infer wrongly as people. so the answer is that hitler had support from rich businessman but i go infer wrongly as hitler brainwashed many germans into following his orders....
So, does it mean i'm TOTALLY screwed? ZERO/ 6??? I think both my inferences are wrong. However, there's a purpose question. I wrote some parts wrongly (since i inferred wrongly) but i still identified its aims ( to get pple to stand up against hitler and the nazi party) and its audience and ifentified that the author is biased....
so any marks there?? pls help me! :(
okay, you made a mistake.
In case you didn't know, Hitler was secretly supported by Britain as Britain wanted Germany to go eastwards and destroy the USSR.
There are no "right" or "wrong" answers for most humanities subjects like History or Literature. You won't get 0/6.
History SBQ source interpretations, whilst they do have to be solidly grounded on historical facts, are still quite flexible so long as you can substantiate your inference well with proper evidence and explanation.
While your answers are not what the source is obviously and directly trying to portray, I think they would still merit you enough marks to ensure you don't score a zero if you did your explanation and substantiated your answers well enough.
I am pretty relieved to hear that. Hoping for the best.... ><
Also, becareful when you use sweeping words like "brainwashed." Instead of brainwashed, it is more balanced to describe him as a charismatic orator who was able to mobilise German masses to his support.
Originally posted by Llbros545:I am pretty relieved to hear that. Hoping for the best.... ><
u will still get 2 marks bah
pls do more research
millions of people did support hitler
more than 4 million germans die fighting his war
as long as you have a reasonable interpretation and elaboration, together with a relevent link to back the point up. its ok