Hello, I am relatively new to this forum and decided to join since there seem to be some rather good advice for many topics here. This year, I am about to be streamed into my courses, and I am really unsure about what is going on and what is going to happen. I have only been told that the requirements to a JC is an L1 R5. Does this necessarily include Mother Tongue? If yes, then going to a JC would be an impossibility for me, since I am expemted from it. (Someone once told me that without a MT, I'm screwed for life in Singapore.)
Unlike many other people who have posted here, my strength lies not in Math and Science, but in Humanities and the English Language. My first love is the Arts, and things like writing, debating and acting. Well, especially writing. My mother advises me not to specialise in subjects like the arts and English. I used to think it was rather silly of her to think like that, but now that I think of it, what can you do, specialising in the Arts and Humanities anyway? The most desired course and jobs are things like triple science and what not.
I do have the ability to join the science stream, but I am not as interested in it. (Though I really do wish to study psychology next time.)
So...What is there to do?
L1R5 no need chinese
Dear The jokerette,
If you do not have MT, you won't be screwed for life. English is still the main language, a second language will be useful but not mandatory. If you wish to go to JC and you're exempted from taking the MT papers, I suggest you call up MOE hotline, or, ask your HOD to seek clarification on the admission to JC.
My suggestion is: Go with the arts and literature subject combinations. Passion is like a powerful spring. Psychology is a good read Because of your ability to read texts and comprehension skills, you will be able to read psychology much more easier.
best regards,
Chin Seng