wad does it mean by h3 is not considered for uni admission? so if i take h3 i will be disadvantaged than somebody who is taking h2 in the same subject???
will h3 subject and score be reflected in our graduation cert??
Originally posted by Caroline95738:wad does it mean by h3 is not considered for uni admission? so if i take h3 i will be disadvantaged than somebody who is taking h2 in the same subject???
will h3 subject and score be reflected in our graduation cert??
You can't take H3 in the subject without simultaneously also taking H2 in the subject (eg. in order to qualify for H3 Chem, you must already be taking H2 Chem).
Don't worry about H3 subjects for now, focus on your O levels / JC1 exams. Only if you score all As in your H2 subjects during JC1, then you'll be allowed to consider taking H3 subjects in JC2.