I am a sec 4 student takin triple sciences. o levels in a few months time.I am struggling with physics and just had my prelim 1 and got an F9. i am deciding whether to drop and need some advice.
I find that i have to put alot of efforts into physics then can only pass. & i dont have much time for other subjects so my bio is a just pass for this prelim.
the reason to drop is i can focus to improve my other subjects which i'm not doing tht well either. i think i can push my bio up if i drop physics.
If i dont drop, i might just get a bad mark for physics and so so mark for bio. If i drop, i think i can attain an A for bio. I am not sure if i can manage to pass physics and have a good bio grade.
the reasons i shouldnt drop are theres just few more months left i should be able to get a pass for physics but dont know if i can get a good grade for bio. Like i've been taking it over a year and now drop a bit wasted...
i have 8. if i drop still have 7. still enuf for L1R5.. but a bit risky.
Originally posted by Musicgal:i have 8. if i drop still have 7. still enuf for L1R5.. but a bit risky.
if u have oredi decided tt PHY is not wat u will be pursuing or affecting ur future major then go ahead to withdraw and conc on other subj
Is it even possible to drop a subject at this late hour?
Additional Mathematics materials from http://ascklee.org/
yes, students can
but they can do so via the following routes
Hi, you might wana reconsider, my personal experience fail physic all the way / just pass in sch exam.
O level b3.
My point is, what u score in school is not reflective of ur standing in the whole cohort plus u aready studied the subject for 2years, u rather a B or C to show tt u took physic and score something in Os compared to no physic on cert -> tell ppl u bo take rite?
plus wad makes u so sure that u can get all As for ur rest of the subj, who knows ur physic might end up saving u afew points?
You know urself the best, its your choice in the end just wana highlight u shd consider it properly.
Good luck with O levels~
Agreeing with Jenri, the prelim results is not a good indicator of what you can achieve in 'O' levels as it varies from school to school. Furthermore, being a triple science student would benefit you when it comes to choosing the path you want to embark on.
It would really help if you could envision the physics problem and try to understand the concept rather than working through the solution/equations.