Okay, this may be a little bit embarrassing, but I require tuition/books for C Maths. I'm unable to find any tutors for this. Anyone knows where I can get help?
It is good to ask when in doubt :)
You may pose questions here if you wish.
Here is a hypertext book for reference:
Wen Shih
If you are referring to computing mathematics at U1 level, I can actually give tuition.... But I have no time at all :(
Sorry for bumping, but I don't get this at all:
So we are supposed to work out or simplify each answer, then state the law used. But I don't even know how to start attempting the question, much less the law.
Produce an algebraic proof to determine if
(X ∩ Y)C ∩ (XC ∪ Y) ∩ (YC ∪ Y) ≡ XC.
(X ∩ Y)C ∩ (XC ∪ Y) ∩ (YC ∪ Y)
≡ (XC ∪ YC) ∩ (XC ∪ Y) ∩ (YC ∪ Y)
≡ (XC ∪ (YC ∩ Y)) ∩ (YC ∪ Y)
≡ (XC ∪ ∅) ∩ (YC ∪ Y)
≡ XC ∩ (YC ∪ Y)
≡ XC ∩ U
≡ XC
It is easier to write the complement of X and Y as X' and Y' respectively.
We start with LHS, i.e.,
(X ∩ Y)' ∩ (X' U Y) ∩ (Y' U Y).
We deal with the first term and we want to remove the complement by De Morgan's law, i.e.,
(X' U Y') ∩ (X' U Y) ∩ (Y' U Y).
Next, we observe that X' is common in the first two terms, which can then be factored out via Distributive law, i.e.,
[X' U (Y' ∩ Y)] ∩ (Y' U Y).
We proceed to simplify the second and third terms, i.e.,
[X' U ∅] ∩ U.
Finally, we arrive at the desired result, i.e., X'.
Wen Shih