Hey guys!
I need to consider which combination should I take for tomorrow's streaming exercise. Thanks a lot in advance first. Just need advice here.
I'm offered 8 subject combinations and two of which are Pure Geography which definitely I cannot take or rather will not survive if I take because my Geography since Secondary 1 degraded from 72 (A2) to 47 (E8). 47% is my this year overall. We have to get 60% at least to get into Pure Geog, Pure Science (Double Science), Triple Science and this applies to Pure Literature as well. Oh yah, same goes for A Maths.
The thing here is that I got an A1 for Maths this year, so that's a no problem in getting into A Maths. My concern is that whether should I take Pure Science which also means Double Science, and my overall percentage for just Science this year is 60%.
Next, Economics. I have always thought of entering the Econs class. But there's only ONE Econs teacher in the entire school and there's a lot of people wanting to join the Econs class.
I'll take E Hist + SS as my choice as my History is pretty good. I need advice on whether should I take Double Science or Combined Science (Phy/Chem).
Thank you very much!
All combinations are as follow.
Comb 1 Rejected
Triple Science + A Math + E Geog/E Lit/E Hist + SS
Comb 2
Double Science (Phy/Chem) + Econs* + E Geog/E Lit/E Hist + SS
*Can only be used as a R4 or R5. Cannot be used as a Humans subject.
Comb 3 Rejected
Pure Geog + Double Science (Phy OR Bio/Chem) + A Math/POA + E Hist/E Lit + SS
Comb 4 To be rejected
Pure Lit + Double Science (Phy OR Bio/Chem) + A Math/POA + E Geog/E Hist + SS
Comb 5 Rejected
Coursework (Art/D&T/3D) + A Math/POA + Double Science (Phy OR Bio/Chem) + E Geog/E Hist/E Lit + SS
Comb 6
Double Science (Phy/Chem) + A Math/POA + E Hist/E Lit + SS
Comb 7 Rejected
Combined Science + A Math/POA + Pure Geog + E Hist/E Lit + SS
Comb 8 To be rejected
Combined Science + A Math/POA + SS + E Hist + Coursework OR Pure Lit
You have time to improve on your Sciences subjects. Getting 60% now does not necessarily mean getting 60% in O Level. Put in the effort, you can make it into 80% or even 90%.
Combination 6 seems like a good choice to you based on what you've mentioned. Are you interested in trying out the Economics class? If you will be going to JC in three years time, Economics may serve you well because you will have a good start in JC years.
Taking Double Science is good as it gives you a greater understanding in the subjects. Rumours says Pure Sciences are tough, fact is, given enough time and effort, anyone can get an A1 for Pure Science.
I promise I will not spam the forum again. I swear to god.
Thanks! I've chosen my subject combination as Comb 2 as my first and Comb 6 as my second choice and the rest accordingly.