Hi am Sec 2 this year.. Is there any benefits in taking triple science? coz am offered that..
Can i have some advices ? I have to submit the option form by tmr . Thanks alot !
Dear mouth Lemonade,
I am Chin Seng, the moderator here.
Triple Science refers to the following three major category of Science namely Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. Triple Science term also refer to 'Pure' Science syllabus as oppose to Combine science syllabus.
Pure Science covers a little more depth and focus more on understanding and application of your knowledge. While combine sciences are less tested on application but still give you an exposure of science concepts.
Combined Science refers to any two combination of the three sciences. e.g. Science (chem/bio), Science (chem/phy), Science (bio/phy), where chem/phy is more common combination.
A combine science subject is consider at One subject at O Level even though you are reading two categories of science. For triple sciences, it is consider as taking three subjects at O level.
Advantage: better understanding of more complex concepts and will be able to apply them well.
Disadvantage: It's very taxing because of the shear knowledge of three sciences.
Best regards,
Chin Seng
usually the top students of the cohort will be offered 3 p.sci
if u can cope. go for it.
and may u go medicine in future.
If u like me can't cope, best take 1 science less, e.g. don't take physics... I rather you take less subjects and get good l1r5 then hug all subjects and die -.-
take triple science in o levels and continue to take it in A levels. Go to a medical school after that. Be weary of any specialization. I'm an example.
THnx EVeryone for ur advices. I think i can cope wif pure(triple science)! I have chosen that.. Thanks alot ! (=
If you have to choose between A Maths and triple science, make sure you choose A Maths, this matters a lot to your future.
If you have to choose between triple science and double humanities, choose the combi your like
there is not more triple science offered at A. Students can only take 3 subjects for science, and Maths is compulsory. Therefore, at A level, you have to give up either physics or biology.