is your general knowledge good? GP topics can be politics, environment, UFO's, financial crisis, corruption, religions etc. if one of these topics come out, are you able to write a thing or two?
What are you weak at exactly?
Paper 1 ? Paper 2?
For Paper 1, essay writing, what Rooney_07 suggest would be a good way to tackle the paper.
For paper 2, reading more and widen your vocab, so that you are able to do paraphrasing, and to score in vocabulary.
As for application question and summary, you need to practice your skills, by spending more time practicing past yr papers.
For essay writing, you need to show coherance. Your points must make sense and relate to one another, and relate to a central theme, which you raise in your introduction. You evaluate your points, and show show it answers the question. In your conclusion, you talk about the relationships between all your point and explain how, together, it answer the question.
For AQ. give points from within the passage (minimum), and suplement it with points and examples of your own. Format-wise, it is a mini essay, and should have introduction, points and conclusion.
Summary. Find the most important sentence, and try to use your own words to shorten it, while still conveying the original message.
The key to doing well is to give what the question asked for. Often you get sidetracked while elaborating on your arguments. SO, it is very important to reflect from time to time, while you are answering, whether what you are writing have any purpose in answering the question.
Dear Okazaki,
This may clarify general issues on GP essays:
For comprehension, have a look at the marking points to appreciate the examiners' requirements:
Don't give up and continue to improve on this subject. The writing and comprehension skills are critical factors to academic success in the university subsequently. Jiayou!
Wen Shih