Hi, My friend have been studying in ITE part time course which one of the member in this forum introduced him to study there as he want to study Science and Math subjects: http://sgforums.com/forums/2297/topics/369314 and right now, he have already completed Sec 3 and N level. Next year, he is going to attend O level course and he want to add a subject English as his parent asked him to. He email to ITE to ask if he can apply for O level English course next year, the ITE emailed back and said that he can apply but they recommend him to study Sec3N(A) English course first before attemping O level english.
I believe that he need to go through Sec3N(A) and N Level's English first as O level might require these two level before attempting O level English. My friend said that it is wasting his time because he need to go through Sec3 and N level which needed another 2 years. I suggest that he should asked for a private tutor but he said that he doesn't have enough money to hire a tutor to teach and most of the tutor that he met before are irresponsible maybe it is because of his personality or the teacher's attitude which he doesn't like having a tutor. I am not sure what to suggest to him, can anyone suggest what should he do?
There is no prerequisite to sign up for O Level English. The ITE responds this way probably because of your friend's English Language competency level.
Improving English is not an overnight task, it's something that needs a period of time and committement. Hiring a tutor may not be the best way to improve his English. A tutor may be only at its very best impart the syllabus and strucuture of the examinations to him. For improving English Language compentency level, what he need is a language buddy.
Which means confirm there is groupwork and people interact with each other in a group to improve their English. My friend doesn't like groupwork so it will be hard for him :P beside that, he thinks that the standard might be difficult for him if he did not study Sec3NA and N level's english before which I believe the Ite staff is right that he need to complete Sec3NA and N Level's English before attempting O level english as the standard might be difficult for him since there are no prerequisite for him to sign up for O level for ITE course. He was asking are there any alternate O level English standard course anywhere?
erm, don't mind can make use of paragraphing plz..