Hi. I have great interest in ELL, and I am not sure of my interest in Econs. My friends say Economics is a bit like Social Studies, which I didn't really like (if 0 represents hate and 10 represents love, I would feel like 5 towards it)
Can someone provide me with some sample Economics questions? How is Economics interesting and what is the beauty of studying it?
Also, I know that the majority choose Econs, because it is safe... but does Economics help give me a good background if I choose to study Accounting in uni? Does Econs help a lot in GP?
And most importantly, although Econs is not needed to read anything in NUS and NTU, does taking ELL disadvantage me at Uni? For example, in Accounting, perhaps they prefer students with Econs rather than ELL? Will I be discriminated against?
How heavy is H2 Phy, H2 Chem, H2 Math, H2 ELL and H1 Econs? Should I even consider this?
Sorry if I typed too many questions; I really need to get answers to all of them. And by... 22nd or 23rd. Subject combi selection closes soon! :( Thanks!
economics at JC is hardly like social studies. as with other subjects, understanding is the key, not memorising.
I liked economics because it gave me tools as a study of human decision-making to cross-examine just about anything I read.
As to whether it is related to GP, its a yes or no. SImply because economics obviously demands hard knowledge on specific concepts, but the key ways of arguing are of course similar to how you would argue in GP.