I'd like to register for private A Levels in 2013.
The instructions on SEAB says that subject entry is maximum 5 H1 & 3 H2
or 3 H1 & 4 H2 subjects.
Is it possible that I register H1 GP, H1 Maths, H1 Chinese, H1 Chem, H1 Bio
as 5 H1 subjects only?
Originally posted by tvbmediacorp:I'd like to register for private A Levels in 2013.
The instructions on SEAB says that subject entry is maximum 5 H1 & 3 H2
or 3 H1 & 4 H2 subjects.
Is it possible that I register H1 GP, H1 Maths, H1 Chinese, H1 Chem, H1 Bio
as 5 H1 subjects only?
Register all Sciences and Mathematics as H2 subjects.
H1 Sciences are utterly useless as subject prerequisites for University Science courses application.
You can self-study or go for tuition to catch up on the H2 topics. With all subjects as H1s, you can't get into any local University course, and going to University is the purpose of taking 'A' levels.