Title: PBL and Problematization of Teaching and Learning
Venue: Republic Polytechnic
Date: 7 - 9 March 2012
About the 3rd International PBL Symposium
The Republic Polytechnic of Singapore will be holding its 3rd International Problem-based Learning (PBL) Symposium following the success of the last two symposiums in 2007 and 2009. With more than 500 participants from 27 countries around the world for the 2009 symposium, this event is a gathering of passionate tertiary educators, PBL practitioners and researchers, mainly from the Asia Pacific region. Previous symposiums have included keynote speakers such as Professor Ronald Barnett, Professor Maggi Savin-Baden and Professor Henk Schmidt.
Target audience
"PBL and the Problematization of Teaching and Learning" held by the Republic Polytechnic of Singapore seeks to bring together educational practitioners, scholars, researchers and curriculum developers from various pedagogic backgrounds that shape the future of PBL, particularly in the Asian region.
Beyond the academic community, this symposium will also bring in industry practitioners who will share their experiences of adopting the PBL pedagogy and practices in the actual workforce.
Past symposiums
This is the Republic Polytechnic of Singapore’s third International Problem-based Learning (PBL) Symposium following the success of the last two symposiums held in 2007 and 2009. Hear testimonials from our past participants and browse through our photo gallery.
From: http://www.rp.edu.sg/symposium/2012/home.aspx
When I was in RP few years back when they had the first symposium, I had the access to view the full material and resource on the symposium. It was an awesome one. Many experienced guest speakers came all the way to Singapore to share with us how they use PBL in their countries and share with us their results and tips.
Great for teachers to attend Worth every cent!
I hate PBL
Y U NO like PBL?