I am currently in JC1, but am also struggling and i worry that i can't cope later on. Should i stay on in JC, drop to poly or do SIM diploma? any adivce please! I really need help!
It may be more worthwhile to focus on ways to overcome this struggling now that it is still early. Struggling helps one to become stronger, jiayou!
Wen Shih
i'm taking h2 physics, chemistry and math, and h1 economics. i'm afraid i may end up retaining! I really need advice ): i have been considering to drop to poly, but should i really do so? and SIM's diploma is only 2 years!
Why like that ehhh...im also JC1 and im quite glad i chose JC instead of poly
But how are you coping with your studies with all the stress? >.<
1. The stress in Jc is not comparable with the stress in Uni (if you are aiming a high class honour).
2. The stress in JC is not comparable with the stress in working life.
Conclusion: soon or later, you have to bear with the stress and take it up.
poly is 3 years, but only top 5% will make into a local U (for JC graduates, the percentage was 84% in 2011) , the rest have to go overseas, do a private degree or start working with a starting pay of 1.6K-1.9K.
SIM diploma is shorter, but the starting pay will be around the same as poly graduate.
The average starting pay of a fresh uni (NUS/NTU/SMU) graduate is 2.9K-3K.
Conclusion: you can choose an easier life for these few years, but you are making the later part of your life more difficult.