Hi all,
I have some tips for JC2 chem students on my blog:
I also have done a brief analysis of 2011 GCE A level Chemistry Papers on the same blog:
I shall update these articles after Apr 2012. All the best!
B.Sc(Hons) from NUS, Dip. in Education
Mr Chong (Chemguide7) has also done an analysis of the 2011 'O' level paper :
And has a write-up on Tips for 2012 'O' level Chemistry students as well :
I have updated my O level chemistry blog to include some Chemistry Practice Questions and redox chemistry notes. They are meant for Sec 4 GCE O level Chemistry students.
Also, I have a work-out (brain gym sweat session!) on how to balance chemical equations for Sec 3 students.
Here are Sec 3 Chemical Bonding Study Notes (Brief).
Mr Chong (aka chemguide7)
Yes, I've discussed this with Mr Chong (aka chemguide7 and simple_minded), we have reasons to believe that one or all of the following is already occurring, and/or will eventually occur (legal disclaimer : MOE & SEAB have not, and probably never will, release any statement of any sort to either confirm or deny any of the following policies, whose status therefore technically remain as mere unconfirmed rumours) :
1) 'A' level papers for critical subjects (especially Chemistry) will get increasingly tougher, year after year. This year's 2012 Chem paper will definitely be tougher than the 2010 and 2011 papers.
2) The number of 'A' grades awarded (both absolute and relative to the bell-curve) will be decreased. Eg. from the current top 20% of the cohort awarded an A grade, reduced to only the top 10% (for example) of the cohort awarded an A grade.
3) In the UK, Cambridge and most other 'A' Level Examination Boards are now implementing a new A* grade (eg. to obtain A grade, you need above 70% score, to obtain A* grade, you need above 95% score), as 'the new A grade'. This is to make it easier for the Uni admission authorities to decide who gets into elite Uni courses like Medicine. Currently in Singapore, thousands of straight AAAAA students apply into Medicine, for which there are only 200+ places available.
2012 'A' Levels : The Beginning of The End.
simple_minded posted on another forum :
Pls scan through these recent news:
How they will affect SEAB-Cambridge O and A level exams remain to be seen. You may want to check with your school HOD (if they are naise) or check with MOE. Whether the reforms for tougher exams in UK exam boards will affect Singapore this year is a question mark.
I just called MOE. The customer service officer gave a hint that these changes may not be immediate. UltimaOnline aka BedokFunland JC, a famous and very good chemistry tutor and my guess are that this year's papers may get tougher and papers get tougher till 2016, where the papers may be set by the one of the world's top uni - Cambridge uni and other top unis in UK.
Perhaps, my guess is that at least one of the critical subjects at A levels this year will be highly atypical, so different from prelim exams in JCs.
Hi all,
I have made minor updates to my blogs.
All the best for your school journey.
One thing I learn is that academic success does not always correlate with life success. Those with O levels cert could be more willing to risk it all in business.
Mr Chong
P/S 23/11/2012 : Thank you all for this year of school journey with the people on this forum. I shall be closing this thread and starting afresh next year 2013. All the best!