Having a big headache for project work this year. ideas keep getting rejected T.T i decided to do eureka moment. Any students also having headache? can anyone donate me some ideas that haven't been done? on the brink of death here...
It is common for a proposal to be rejected a few times before the ST is satisfied with content that has potential of having some substance. Jiayou, be open-minded and press ahead regardless of difficulties and challenges!
Wen Shih
I'm bumping into walls for my PW -- my group is intending to do on helping patients in the topic of palliative care / hospice care (mainly in SG), but all our problem statements have been rejected for being overly addressed or something. We need to recraft a suitable problem statement...
Any advice please? About to be screwed upside-down.
Previous problem statements:
// Lack of Understanding of Hospice Care among Singaporeans
// Realising a Last Wish - Caring for the Emotional Needs of the Terminally Ill
I would advise you to speak to Head/PW. It is very very very late to be talking about problem statement as it is usual that PW groups would have completed their surveys by now.
Wen Shih