20 Apr 2012
Students sitting the English language papers in the O- and N-level examinations from next year will be tested on grammar in one section.
In this new component of Paper 1, they will be required to spot and correct grammatical errors in a short piece of written text.
Students should take no longer than 10 minutes on this part of the paper, which will make up 5 per cent of the marks.
Grammar: New section where students must spot errors and edit short written text
Listening: Students must show understanding of audio recordings
Comprehension: Will now include section testing understanding of visuals, such as advertisements
'My friends who read a lot need only about five minutes to edit a two-page article. I take at least 15 minutes and still don't do as well.'
Secondary 2 student Lucas Hsu, 14
'Students used to be able to refer to the 10-year series as a guide, but now, with this new system, they have no way to judge the level of difficulty.'
Housewife Julia Looi, whose son is in Secondary 3
All in, the English language examination at the O and N levels will have four papers - the oral, the writing, the comprehension and a new listening examination, which was previously only for students in the Normal (Technical) stream.