In my opinion people think that mathematics is the most difficult subject!! I have made an research about that what is the reason behind their thinking and I found that their basics are not so good as most of the people thought only about how to solve the problem and don't try to understand the logic behind it and most of the teachers also don't take much interest in explaining the students in simpler and different way and that's why the student feel bored in understanding it .I would love to hear suggestions from you also.
practice makes perfect
its not difficult.someone just made it all up.
maths is considered a game b4 they had outdoor sports and computer games.but need to see the rules of the game just like in any game.move button right aft button,.,.etc
Hi harun5539,
Yes, many find the subject difficult because of the typical algorithmic approach to teaching it and the lack of transparency in the thinking process behind the solution.
Wen Shih
I suggest you attend Maths Olympiad 's contest, workshop and training from school like Singapore & Asean Schools Maths Olympiads offered by Noble Pte Ltd : , it encouraged you to think and apply concepts you will learn there as well as to utilise a common sense approach to solving problems.
For those who are still in primary schools might considered these maths training centre :
• Seriously Addictive Mathematics :
• Whole Brain Activation Academy :
It's not hard. Practice makes perfect, problem solved.
I subjects that are difficult are those that require you to really think and question about the things that you learn . It's not something that comes easily with practice.
Ie. Philosophy it forces you to think deeper into issues..not just accepting things on the surface.For me,
Maths is easy because practice makes prefect(u can get 100 for maths). Just do alot of assessment books qns(sch qns sometimes too simple).
Other subject such as English is harder because practice don't make prefect. If you want to improve on english, u need to do more than mugging assessment books. Then again, it is possible to pass english even if u don't study but not for maths.
In Singapore, Just Education is one of the successfully local business franchise which promote maths and other all education like English and Science although the fee are a little expensive. As from overseas schools and their maths methods, there is an well-known Japanese school called Sakamoto Educational Systems : that was popular in promoting maths follow by abacus class from CMA Singapore founded by a Taiwan trainer : . so is another Malaysia abacus company in Singapore called SIP Abacus & Brain Exercise, Singapore : .
Just recently there is another school called Mathemagics Asia which is operate in Marine Parade Road : and another company which provide "O" level to JC subjects coaching called Advocators Education : , , other company invented an mathHeuristics to make maths easy to study : and Mathnasium which offer math-only educational programs for children of all ages to develop math skills and build confidence in their abilities :
If you have learning maths learning difficulties like maths dyslexia, you can go to centre like Kids Testing & Dyslexia Centre for help : , there are another group who are specialises in maths called Fabian Education Group : , another well-known learning centre is Raymond's Math Studio : and even nowadays there are DVDs videos teaching maths : and
Anyway nowsaday in local bookshop there are a lot of books published for Singapore maths model drawing methods for primary school and also book for maths olympiad. I would strongly recommed that you read the book "Upper Primary Maths Model Methods, Techiques and Strategies" by Aden Gan from Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd : as the author present the maths concert in an fun cartoon way which make it beginner easy to understand !
Would suggest u read 'Mathematics and the Physical World' by Morris Kline.
Yes agree that Math is being taught in a colorless manner to students here. Students neither have the time nor inclination to go deeper. It's a pity a typical good A-level student can integrate this function or differentiate that function flawlessly without even understanding the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Or that he is able to apply Newton's laws efficiently to solve dynamics problems without ever enquiring how Newton arrived at his laws.
What is mind? Doesn't matter.
What's matter? Nevermind.
I think the problem is that we either live in the wrong time/age or Singapore is not an "learning" environment for good studying.
For wrong time, for example concepts like golden ratio was invented by Greek when there is no technology to assist or there is some story that they invented it to "measure" a person whether they are handsome or pretty just because they have no entertainment like TV during their time
Today with modern high tech computer for area in engineering plus media like 3D LED television and movie, Internet, computer games like RPG online game, playstation and kinect, it is not surpised that people who rather place their focus in having fun rather than "crack" their brain. I bet if Albert Einstein is born in our time, you would heard that he might be turn out to be the creator of angry bird rather than E=MC2.
For Singapore environment, we all know that our country run by "meritocratic" guidelines, meaning only those who scored high marks in examination are recognized instead of people who know how the formula work but didn't have the examination skill to compete the test on time. Again those who read Einstein 's bio know that he did not graduate with formal degrees, but due to the impact of his freelance paper "The Theory of General Relativity", Princeton University is willing to accept him in an open-mind way, but in Singapore I doubt the same situation will happen cos we know they would rather "woo" the FT and also believe in efficient without any failure.
Ya, wee_ws what you are saying is absolutely correct it depends on teachers to make subject look difficult or simple.
if you want to study physics and engineering, you need maths.
Originally posted by harun5539:Ya, wee_ws what you are saying is absolutely correct it depends on teachers to make subject look difficult or simple.
I'd like to share some ways to overcome the learning difficulties of Mathematics:
Wen Shih
I agree with Harun5539 that people do not learn the basics and jump into solving problems, making Maths seems so difficult.
But want to add on that attitude plays a very important part.
I have come across many students, who before they read the question, says "very hard", "don't understand", "cannot do".
I can teach a Pri 5, Maths from A-Level, such as Integration. But that is rare.
No, the boy is not super intelligent, just that he have a keen interest in Maths.
But of course, with his attitude, he out-performs his peers in most things.
The other thing (my personal opinion only) I want to say is that
Olympiad is a stupid programme, a waste of resources.
Elementary Maths is already a challenge to some of us. Plus what we learn in School, probably less than 30% will be used in our life.
I mean, how will you see this useful in your life? (a number, 1234 is written 1234 times, what is the remainder if divided by 4?)
Holy Shit.
Like I say, only my opinion, please dont whack me so hard!
Originally posted by StriveOn:The other thing (my personal opinion only) I want to say is that
Olympiad is a stupid programme, a waste of resources.
Elementary Maths is already a challenge to some of us. Plus what we learn in School, probably less than 30% will be used in our life.
I mean, how will you see this useful in your life? (a number, 1234 is written 1234 times, what is the remainder if divided by 4?)
Holy Shit.
Like I say, only my opinion, please dont whack me so hard!
Originally posted by CaiHongRainx:
Perhaps you can tell us how maths is useful in our lives then? The usefulness of Pri sch maths to JC maths?
Apart from reasons from Primary School and JC aside, Maths is usefully if you are in the finanical sector like in accounting for example. If you are an stock trader, you also need maths as part of technical analysis tools like Scholastic , MACD to calculate the moving average trend to decide whether they are resistance or support before making an decision
As for engineering especially in Mechanical area, you need maths to built bridge,aircraft and building etc, if you are in Navy, you need maths to read grid reference and calculated distance in the map to see how long it take to reach your destination.
If people are interested to read maths in an entertaining way, I recommend another teen/adult book which is written in an amazing illustrated art books called Brainmatics written by Ivan Moscovich and published by Ullmann Publishing :
Finally another way to stimulate interest in maths for reader are multimedia like flash : or educational software e.g from Pearson School :
Most do not realise having maths is an asset even in the realm of the social sciences.
I would add that the way maths was taught, in such technical ways, the maths that I learnt wasn't of terrific use at all.
The ability to apply, the ability to interprete, are sorely lacking in the syllabus.
Originally posted by CaiHongRainx:
Perhaps you can tell us how maths is useful in our lives then? The usefulness of Pri sch maths to JC maths?
Most of the time, only the practical Maths are useful in our lives.
Like when you buy a computer, how much RAM you need. Or the size of your hard disk if you are an art student, or you love to download movies. Compared to just using it for business mails and communications.
Buy house, can you manage the mortgage?
Fuel efficiency of your car?
How to be on time for your appointment but not set off too early?
Beyond that Maths is useful in Engineering, Accounting, Insurance, Civil, Statistics, Financial, etc.
Olympiad Maths is a disaster. Totally useless program.
And it stressed the kids out. Especially those who are not so keen.