which is better? in terms of grading , quality of lecturers and such
I am more concerned about the fact that NTU has a 4 year direct honour program and NUS has a 3 year degree program with a 1 year addition honours program.
Does this mean that if i go into NUS , after 3 years i will only obtain a DEGREE in NUS -Science?
What is the difference between a Degree and a honour degree? Does it mean that if i have a eg, 2nd class honour in ntu it will be better then a nus degree? ( eg, in attempting to get a job)
which is nearer to your house
Both NUS and NTU are well recognized universities. Your prospect of landing a job will depend much more on your results than whether they are from NUS or NTU.
An honours degree will definitely give you better chance in landing a job (vs no honours). However, a 3-year degree with straight As will not lose out much, or at all, to a first class honours degree.
An honours degree will also give you better prospect in getting into a master degree programme, higher starting pay at government organization. It is to be obtained at the cost of an additional year of study (for NUS).
Quality of lecturers wise, it is hard for someone to tell you unless the person has enrolled in both courses (near impossible). Given the stringent standards of both universities, I do believe both have good quality lecturers.
One more thing, an honours degree only counts if it is 2nd upper and above. A 3rd class honours is, in a way, an embarassment. You're better off having a bachelor degree instead.
Hope this helps.
You need honours to apply for master and PhD.
For government job, just because some1 had honours he will get $200 to 300 more. First class honors degree-salary plus a $500 more.