Hi, I'm currently in Sec 4 this year and I've already gone through 2 prelims. We were only tested on a few chapters for Prelim 1 and I did quite well for all three sciences. But for prelim 2, I scored B4 for pure chem, C6 for for pure phy and F9 for pure bio. For pure chem, my teacher told us that the grade would probably be 2 grades better than what we got for prelim 2. For physics I would probably get B3 for o'level but if I push harder, I may get A2. For pure bio, 2/3 of my class got F9 so I guess there's nothing much to say about that. I'm really in a dilemma of whether to drop to combined science (chem and phy). I admit that I didn't really study enough for this prelim. I only started chem 2 days before, phy about 2 days before and bio the day before. If I drop to combined science, I would definitely get an A1. So I'm not very sure.. What is most important is to get the best scores for o'levels right? But I'm want to be a doctor in the future. I am really lost now.
Originally posted by JeslinKey:Hi, I'm currently in Sec 4 this year and I've already gone through 2 prelims. We were only tested on a few chapters for Prelim 1 and I did quite well for all three sciences. But for prelim 2, I scored B4 for pure chem, C6 for for pure phy and F9 for pure bio. For pure chem, my teacher told us that the grade would probably be 2 grades better than what we got for prelim 2. For physics I would probably get B3 for o'level but if I push harder, I may get A2. For pure bio, 2/3 of my class got F9 so I guess there's nothing much to say about that. I'm really in a dilemma of whether to drop to combined science (chem and phy). I admit that I didn't really study enough for this prelim. I only started chem 2 days before, phy about 2 days before and bio the day before. If I drop to combined science, I would definitely get an A1. So I'm not very sure.. What is most important is to get the best scores for o'levels right? But I'm want to be a doctor in the future. I am really lost now.
Keep to Pure Sciences. Unless you screw up your 'O' level results, keeping to Pure Sciences will allow your options (and your Medical ambitions) to remain a lot more open and feasible.
Dropping to Combined Science is riskier in that if you (unexpectedly) don't obtain an A grade, most JCs will not allow you to take H2 Sciences, which are necessary for all Science degrees in the University (including of course, Medicine).
Since you're interested in Medicine, you might wanna bookmark / add to favourites the "Helpful Links for JC students interested in Medicine" on my webpage :
If you need help for Bio and stay in the west side, pm me.
If you stay in the East side, you can look for UltimaOnline.
I have an ex-student who is a Life Science major and can tutor Bio. I can put her in contact with you.
Originally posted by eagle:If you need help for Bio and stay in the west side, pm me.
If you stay in the East side, you can look for UltimaOnline.I have an ex-student who is a Life Science major and can tutor Bio. I can put her in contact with you.
Thanks Eagle, but I actually teach only Chemistry these days. When you've the time, could you please update my link on your website to specify that I teach only Chemistry, and not Biology? Thanks again, Eagle!
*resisting the ruge to make fun of eagle teaching bio*
depends on ur prelim, do u think u have enuff subjects and score to enter JC or atleast a good score for poly med courses?
if yes, then u shld continue but gotta work harder... U cannot tell urself that u get bad result becoz u didn't study enuff, rather, u have to do achieve it and not making excuses... sorry but I do not how to exactly make the previous sentence sounds better >__>
if no, then u shld drop... my friends used to get D7-E8 for their pure, but after go combine science, become A1-A2... Not sure if they "wake up" or izzit really standard difference...
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:if no, then u shld drop... my friends used to get D7-E8 for their pure, but after go combine science, become A1-A2... Not sure if they "wake up" or izzit really standard difference...
It's more the 'bell-curve' difference than the 'difficulty of questions' difference. To get 'A' grade for pure science requires over 85% raw score, but for combined science only need over 70% raw score.
Originally posted by CaiHongRainx:I thought it’s the opposite? Where combined sci need around 85% while pure sciences need around 70% ?
The bell-curve varies every year for every subject, and SEAB will never release actual bell-curve data.
But logically speaking, the top 1/3 of the entire Singapore cohort are taking Pure Sciences, and therefore more of these students will score higher for the Pure Sciences compared to Combined Sciences. Since the A grades are limited to the top xxx%, therefore it's harder to score A when your competitors are better, in the Pure Sciences.
I think prelims were meant to be set harder then O level~
So even if you didnt score well for your prelims don't let it get you down!
Because O lvl grading is my bellcurve so the marks maybe even out =)
All the best!