Im currently in NYP SBM (school of business management) Year 2 sem 2. Havent started school yet as i just ended year 2 sem 1. i got my GPA today and i scored a total GPA of 2.96 . Im very sad and i dont know if i can make it in the end.Is it possible to hit 3.5 by the time i graduate if i work really hard? Is it still possible?
I slacked off in my first year and ended with a 2.85. I tried my best in my Year 2 Sem 1 and got B for my TEP (Teaching Enterprise Program) that was worth 24 credit and B+ for my other 2 modules. I didnt have classes that semester cause i had TEP. I thought there would be a huge increase but it only increased by 0.11 .
I'm sure i wont be able to get into a university (sadly) so i went to research on overseas universities. Found out it is MEGA expensive too. I might want to try using scholarships in my third year when my GPA goes up cause my GPA is too low for scholarships now. Is there any scholarship overseas that i could have a chance if my GPA hits 3?
I really need advice. Thanks. :(