Hey guys,
So i'm currently taking my N levels now, but i could already predict that I'm going to fail my Math and Science, I never passed those two subjects before. I admit that I never worked hard enough this year, and i only studied 1 week before N level's. I can't be eligible for Sec 5NA or Higher Nitec because the criteria is English, Math and best 3. I'll most probably get like 25 points, so i was wondering if its possible for me to take Private O's? I know, some of you are going to say mean stuffs like, "How are you gonna cope with O's, if you failed your N's?" Trust me people, I'll work VERY hard. I regret not studying, and I'm really ready to study even harder next year. I just need to know if its actually possible to take Private O's, and self-study at home, so when the time comes, i'll just take my O level papers. My friends told me that its possible to skip to O levels even if you failed N Levels badly. I really need help in this, please help me. I REALLY don't wanna go ITE, they don't have any courses that I have interest in.
Thanks! :)
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private o is very expensive. minimum 5k for mdis. I tink u shuld go ite. The reason is because even if u take private o and pass, it is very likely that u will get good into a good course. Which means u have limited choices for the course. Popular course like accountancy... U got to consider that if u really took it, at most u might get 17 or 18 aggregate score for L1R4. Accountancy requires 11.which means at least 5 A2. And if u take private o level, be prepared to study every day and practise maths and study english and science daily.
the school facilities are cheaper and better. U need to do lab practical for science if u really wanna take. Although it is not impossible to pass o within a year period. But the preparation is still not enough to get good grades. But u can try because if u go ite u might wastes minimum 2 - 3 years. U can get into engineering course in ite which requires only 2 years. But ite might be difficult to get into poly.
i tink u can look for those school in newspaper lian he zao bao. They are under job search section. But i tinnk u shuld not lose this chance if u really wanna get in poly. BTW u must make sure u do well in o level. Reason is because 20+ pointer usually have difficulties getting into uni if they only manage to meet uni admission grade. In other words u must get10++. BTw if i am not wrong, u cant get in nus with ite Cert. Usually top 10% of poly cohort will make it to nus. NUS dont accept ite students. It has been published in newspaper before as a guy from ite wanna get into uni. However only ntu accept him. Usually those from republic poly wont get into local uni. 20++ aggregate score is quite difficult. but if u have gpa like 3.8 it is still possible. o level constitute 20% of your chance to get into uni.
u can check the grade profile for admission to uni. O level is very important.
i tink u nid to check the jae booklet before making decision whether u wanna retake or not.
it definitely wont be easy, u have to meet their cut-off points. minimum 26 aggregate points to republic poly. 28 for nursing.