i cant get these i dont know how but i cant find it i am supposed 2 use each 1 ones and if u add it up it is supposed to be the same this is the image
Hmmm, this is Vraag 2 of the Opdracht 8: Puzzelen met vierkanten...
Let's see...
1st one is simple:
8, 1, 6
3, 5, 7
4, 6, 2
2nd one is: (tip use bottom row, line add up to 39)
14, 1, 24
15, 13, 11
10, 25, 4
3rd one is: (tip 2nd row add up is 75,first collum shld add to 75 meaning top left is 28 for sure)
28, 21, 26
23, 25, 27
24, 29, 22
Edited: 3rd question was different from the original >___>
Answer to your 3rd question is (Dun care negative, still the same. 1st row add up to -30, therefore between 4 and 12 have to be -14. bottom right have to be -16 to add up to -30. The rest very simple to do... even more simple then question 2...)
-4, -18, -8
-14, -10, -6
-12, -2, -16