I've got an 7 subject combination of EL,CL,E math,Add math,Combined humanities(ss/geo), combined science (bio/chem) and art but I want to appeal for 1 more subject of pure geography or literature on top of the 7 subjects I already have.
I need to come up with GOOD reasons why I want to appeal for 1 more pure humanity subject. Any suggestions, tips or advices?
I am planning to be in the arts stream next time in JC and I want to take pure humanities there so I am kinda desperate. By the way, I qualify for the subjects and I am one of the smartest students among my level.
u got all As for geog/lit throughout sec 1 and 2?
ur form teacher can write testimonial to show tt u are hardworking and diligent and able to cope with 8 subj
Yes, i've got an A1s for both subjects in sec 1&2. But I'm not sure if my teacher is writing a testemonial, my appeal is decided by an appeal panel consisting of principal, vice principal and HODs.
then u just need to pray.
Ok, other than praying hard, can anyone come up with good reasons why my appeal should be accepted? I Need to write it first in my appeal form and then if it's good enough, I will be granted an meeting with the appeal panel where I will have to explain my reasons thoroughly.
Originally posted by Hopelessly:Ok, other than praying hard, can anyone come up with good reasons why my appeal should be accepted? I Need to write it first in my appeal form and then if it's good enough, I will be granted an meeting with the appeal panel where I will have to explain my reasons thoroughly.
Say that
1)You are very passionate about the subject, repeat it at least 10 times.
2)You need the subject, repeat it at least 8 times.
Originally posted by Hopelessly:I've got an 7 subject combination of EL,CL,E math,Add math,Combined humanities(ss/geo), combined science (bio/chem) and art but I want to appeal for 1 more subject of pure geography or literature on top of the 7 subjects I already have.
I need to come up with GOOD reasons why I want to appeal for 1 more pure humanity subject. Any suggestions, tips or advices?
I am planning to be in the arts stream next time in JC and I want to take pure humanities there so I am kinda desperate. By the way, I qualify for the subjects and I am one of the smartest students among my level.
1) Ask yourself why you want an arts stream in JC so badly.
2) Ask yourself what you do with humanities in the future.
3) When you answer both truest to your heart, the answer to your above question will come naturally.
if u really have what it takes, u no need worry too much
confidence is key