Hi, I'm currently a Secondary 3 student taking Higher Chinese who have just sat for the last of the Chinese subject papers for the "O" levels yesterday.
Just to clarify, what would be the minimum results for the subject in order to qualify for the Higher Chinese paper next year? Also, would anyone also be able to provide some other information regarding the implications of the different combination of the results (eg. the lessons and papers next year)?
I am just feeling rather curious and concerned after a few of my friends mentioned about the option of dropping Higher Chinese and retaking Chinese next year. Though I don't think it is likely that I would end up falling into that category, I am still quite unsure about the big picture at the moment.
It would be very much appreciated if anyone can help to clarify on this.
Thanks in advance!
depends on the school
some expect A2 and above
some min B3 can continue take HMT
btw, u gotta brush up ur english
wat is "just sitten"?
*who have just sat for the last of the Chinese subject papers...(sorry, typo; the correction has been made in the original post)
depends very much on the school...
but if you take HCL and ur CL2 scores below B3...shouldnt be the case right?