Hi. I'm interested in design courses in poly. Although i know that designer are not very well paid.
I'm in a dilemma of which poly to choose. I'm living very near to NYP. It takes me about 1hr to travel to TP, although i know they are famous in their desigm courses.
I'm maybe choosing either space&interior design OR industrial design in NYP. Or should i choose TP??
who says designers are not well-paid
yes. TP.
takes me 1 hour to go to SP from TPY/Bishan
Originally posted by Uraniumfish:takes me 1 hour to go to SP from TPY/Bishan
O.o I always wanted to get into TP but heard from my seniors that will get tired to travelling right?
Hard decision for me...i can just walk to NYP from my house. :<
ok loh then just go ur house laoka tt one loh.
this is crap.
my uni mate has to drive 1.5hours one way, for her lessons everyday.
and choose a course for your further progression.
not a course for your further convenience.
choose which school you think suits you best, think of convenience afterwards :)
Originally posted by GHoST_18:
and choose a course for your further progression.
not a course for your further convenience.