Hi everyone, I need some help here pls. :D
I am about to embark on a poly education and I have a few questions in mind.
By fees per academic year which are in excess of $2k, does it mean that the total fees for 3 years are in excess of $6k or are the $2k fees for a semester?
If Im not using my parents' CPF to pay for the poly tuition fees, is it possible to pay the full tuition fees through a bank loan and some other loan to cover the other 25%? As far as I know, the bank loan only covers 75% of the total tuition fees, hence if my parents are not willing to cough out the remaining 25%, is there a loan that can cover it? I do have some CPF funds which could cover about 1 sem worth of fees- possible to use these CPF funds with the bank loan to pay for the full amount of fees?
Lastly, if I were to make it to a local uni after 3 years, does it mean that Im not entitled to any government grants to the uni education and I'll be on my own? Thanks!
Originally posted by hueyme:Hi everyone, I need some help here pls. :D
I am about to embark on a poly education and I have a few questions in mind.
By fees per academic year which are in excess of $2k, does it mean that the total fees for 3 years are in excess of $6k or are the $2k fees for a semester?
If Im not using my parents' CPF to pay for the poly tuition fees, is it possible to pay the full tuition fees through a bank loan and some other loan to cover the other 25%? As far as I know, the bank loan only covers 75% of the total tuition fees, hence if my parents are not willing to cough out the remaining 25%, is there a loan that can cover it? I do have some CPF funds which could cover about 1 sem worth of fees- possible to use these CPF funds with the bank loan to pay for the full amount of fees?
Lastly, if I were to make it to a local uni after 3 years, does it mean that Im not entitled to any government grants to the uni education and I'll be on my own? Thanks!
Hi TS,
The $2250 fee for polytechnic is for one year.
Indeed, the bank loan is up to 75% of the subsidised fee. You can try to get bursary from charitable organisations eg temples and associations or give tuition to cover the remaining 25% of the fee.
In the past, students are entitled to only one tertiary education tuition grant. But, the restriction is no longer applied now for Singapore citizens.
Thanks for the quick reply, Lee012Lee. :)
Actually, I just realised I have one more qn..
Is it possible tp take up the bank loan and using our cash reserve to pay the remaining 25% which is about >$1600 if we have the means so that we do not have to worry about our finances for the three years?
Originally posted by hueyme:Actually, I just realised I have one more qn..
Is it possible tp take up the bank loan and using our cash reserve to pay the remaining 25% which is about >$1600 if we have the means so that we do not have to worry about our finances for the three years?
Hi Hueyme,
Poly does not require you to pay all the 3 years fee immediatley upon your admission / enrolment.
You will pay your poly 3 year fee on an instalment basis.
Hence, you need not pay the cash portion of $1687.50 immediately upon your enrolment even if you have the cash reserve to pay for it.
Hi , me too! I am to go to poly after secondary education, but poly fee is too expensive, plus the transport fee also adult fee!!!!! Can someone also tell me if CPF are able to cover the FULL COST of polytechnic education??? Cos I scared that polytechnic edcuation is too expensive for my parents to pay ..other than the basic school fee, how much money should be set aside for 3 yr poly education( need to buy laptop/ notebook etc???)>>>>
Don't you know that community organizations like Reach Community Services Society is giving out bursaries for future students who want to study in poly, why didn't you contact them to find out more ? : http://www.reach.org.sg
Originally posted by Grace 123:Hi , me too! I am to go to poly after secondary education, but poly fee is too expensive, plus the transport fee also adult fee!!!!! Can someone also tell me if CPF are able to cover the FULL COST of polytechnic education??? Cos I scared that polytechnic edcuation is too expensive for my parents to pay ..other than the basic school fee, how much money should be set aside for 3 yr poly education( need to buy laptop/ notebook etc???)>>>>
You can use your parents' CPF to cover the polytechnic tuition fee.
You do not need a laptop if you are short of funds and you have a desktop computer at home. There are very few courses in poly that specify that you must have a laptop.
You can give tuition and / or work part time while studying in poly.