20cm^3 of gaseous hydrocarbon completely burnt in excess of oxygen, 60cm^3 of carbon dioxide and 40cm^3 of water vapour were formed.What is the formula of the hrydocarbon?
Thanks in advance!!
Originally posted by I.imba:20cm^3 of gaseous hydrocarbon completely burnt in excess of oxygen, 60cm^3 of carbon dioxide and 40cm^3 of water vapour were formed.What is the formula of the hrydocarbon?
Because we do not do homework for students (get a paid tutor for that purpose), I will instead give guidance rather than a full worked solution.
Find the moles of hydrocarbon reactant.
Find the moles of carbon in the carbon dioxide generated. Divide this value by the moles of hydrocarbon reactant present.
Find the moles of hydrogen in the water vapour generated. Divide this value by the moles of hydrocarbon reactant present.
The ratio of C to H in the products is equivalent to the ratio of C to H in the reactants. Therefore find the empirical and/or molecular formulae.
If you like, you can post your working here for me to check.
Agree with Ultima on both points.
An added note. There's a general formula for the combustion of hydrocarbons.