Hi guys, newbie here.
I just finished streaming year, and I'm currently Sec 3 this year. The subject combi that I am currently taking are history/social studies, triple sciences: pure chem, bio, physics, elementary maths and additional maths. I have no idea what's gonna come for me after sec 3. I understand that I can drop one of the sciences next year, if I don't do well in them. And I can also drop a-maths, right? I plan to drop chemistry, but they say it was compulsory?? If I cant, then I think I would drop Physics.
I have no idea how O-Levels work. Do I basically take the test for all the subjects in my subject combi? Or do I get to choose the tests that I will take? And what exactly is L1R5?? I have no idea what it is. Btw, I am an international student, so I am exempted from mother tongue. Means I don't take Chinese, Malay or Tamil. Do I have to work extra hard to score better points?
Would appreciate it if you could tell me about the L1R5 and about the O-levels as well. Thanks :)
You need 6 subjects. Since you are an international student, English and E-math are complusary subjects, followed by another 4 subject of your choice. Of course, with science you can't go anywhere.
You need 6 subjects.
5)Combined Humanites.
6) ???
Originally posted by iamiatch:Hi guys, newbie here.
I just finished streaming year, and I'm currently Sec 3 this year. The subject combi that I am currently taking are history/social studies, triple sciences: pure chem, bio, physics, elementary maths and additional maths. I have no idea what's gonna come for me after sec 3. I understand that I can drop one of the sciences next year, if I don't do well in them. And I can also drop a-maths, right? I plan to drop chemistry, but they say it was compulsory?? If I cant, then I think I would drop Physics.
I have no idea how O-Levels work. Do I basically take the test for all the subjects in my subject combi? Or do I get to choose the tests that I will take? And what exactly is L1R5?? I have no idea what it is. Btw, I am an international student, so I am exempted from mother tongue. Means I don't take Chinese, Malay or Tamil. Do I have to work extra hard to score better points?
Would appreciate it if you could tell me about the L1R5 and about the O-levels as well. Thanks :)
In terms of the usefulness of the subject (as a prerequisite for A level and subsequently Uni level), Chem and Physics >>> Biology. So in that sense, it's advisable to drop Bio rather than either Chem or Physics.
However, if you're extremely confident you can do better in Bio than either Chem or Phys, then it doesn't make sense to drop your best subject either.
Have a look at the subject prerequisites for the various Uni courses at NUS. For instance, if you wanna do Medicine (ie. be a medical doctor), you must have Chemistry, and either Physics or Biology.
ello,welcome to sec 3 life where the true studying really begins! For your subjects,i suggest that you work hard for all of them and do not have any thought of dropping them yet,as this will only refocus your mindset to not do well for your various subjects that you want to drop(better to do well in all and focus your time on the weaker subjects)
Drop the subject if you:1.do not do well in it and receive teacher's recommendation 2.cannot cope with the academic workload(I understand the strain of studying in triple science,because i was there too) 3.not relevant with your Jc/poly requirements.
L1R5 scoring system(applies to Junior colleges only)
L1 english
Relevant 5 1st humanities
2nd mathematics/science
3rd humanities/mathematics science
4th any O level subject
5th any O level subject
I believe that you know the grading of A1,A2,B3,B4.(so that i do not have to go into further details)
Give yourself some time(3months till mid-year exams) to experiment with the subjects and find out what you are comfortable with,if you are really planning on dropping subjects,refer to the 3 points above.
Since you are an international student,i believe that you will have more free time for revision during mother tongue periods.(so you do not have to work extra hard to get in if you are able to ensure that you make use of your time wisely during the MT periods)
you can do your homework or read ahead of class topics,collect questions to ask teachers so you will have an advantage in terms of time.
if you really need tips on studying,you can post me a message
Tips of studying : http://www.tipsofstudy.com/how-to-score-a1-in-o-level-amath-and-emath