good night
I hope I can turn 16 very soon. But I need parental consent for the donation of blood lor. :( cannot
have you done it before?
I am 43kg, hahahahaha, I think I need a weigh gain progamme just to donate blood!
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i'm less than that!
i am having a hard time gaining weigh...i used to be 30 kg at P6 but i end up eating fatty stuff everyday just a gain weigh lor. now 43kg, once i fall sick i lost 5kg.
i'm hovering around 38...i should be at least 45 - never managed that in last dunno-bazillion years
Originally posted by cassie:i'm hovering around 38...i should be at least 45 - never managed that in last dunno-bazillion years
high metobalism. many people are dying to be like you!
nah doubt so. probably genetics. anyway, how many meals do you take in a day? i go for about 5.
Originally posted by cassie:nah doubt so. probably genetics. anyway, how many meals do you take in a day? i go for about 5.
i take 2 big meals at school. they say will decrease metobolism, i guess it works lor.
i cant do big portions; guess my stomach capacity is small
I fell in love with "i knew you were trouble"
i should d/l some songs
You are not sorry - Best breakup song ever