from the pictures, can see the guy in purple shirt sitting within sword length from the siao lang. so to sit down more important than life or kenna abandon by the rest of the commuters as he seem to be sleeping?
China woman vs China woman, in Singapore Chinatown :
Part 1
Part 2
Those are some impressive brakes and even more impressive driving alertness!
Sword wielding samurai in MRT faces off with Singapore Police.
from the pictures, can see the guy in purple shirt sitting within sword length from the siao lang. so to sit down more important than life or kenna abandon by the rest of the commuters as he seem to be sleeping?
Stomp report of MRT Samurai just in :
A man who frightened passengers by carrying a sword while boarding a train has been detained.
A photo uploaded on The Straits Times's twitter account appears to show the man being apprehended by a number of police officers.
​STOMPer Qarl, who also sent in photos showing the man, said passengers were frightened of the man and moved to one corner of the train.
Screenshots of a video circulating on social media has also appeared on AsiaOne.
According to the STOMPer, police officers were called to the scene and the man alighted the train at Dhoby Ghaut station.
In a phone conversation with the STOMPer, he said:
"I saw these photos on Twitter today (Dec 16).
"A big-sized man was seen holding onto a sword when he boarded the train.
"According to the person who tweeted the photos, the man was shouting and commuters were seen running to one side of the train in fear.
"Police officers were also called to the scene and was seen protecting these civilians.
"From what I understand, the man just alighted the train at Dhoby Ghaut station."
Little Known Chinese Herb & Iron Kill 98% of Cancer Cells in 16 Hours
According to studies that were published in an issue of Life Sciences, artemesinin – a derivative of the wormwood plant used in Chinese Medicine – can kill 98% of breast cancer cells in less than 16 hours. The herb used alone causeda 28% reduction in breast cancer cells, but when paired with iron, sweet wormwood was able to eradicate cancer almost entirely. What’s more, normal human breast cancer cells were not affected in the experiment by this treatment.
Artemisinin has been used in the past as a powerful anti-malarial herb, but it now has been proven to be a cancer-fighter, too. When subjects in the published study were given an iron supplement, which often accumulates in the breast tissue but especially so in cancerous cells, the artemisinin was able to selectively target ‘bad’ cells and leave ‘good’ cells alone.
“Taken together, our results demonstrate that the artemisinin disruption of E2F1 transcription factor expression mediates the cell cycle arrest of human breast cancer cells and represents a critical transcriptional pathway by which artemisinin controls human reproductive cancer cell growth.”
Iron accumulates in cancerous cells due to special receptors that help them in cell division, called transferrin receptors. Normal cells likely have these receptors as well, but cancerous cells have them in greater abundance, and thus can be targeted by the iron-artemisinin combination, like a 1-2 punch.
There have been many experiments now that prove this sweet wormwood derivative can effectively eradicate disease in the presence of iron. The extract has been used for thousand of years in China to treat malaria. The malaria parasite cannot live in the presence of artemisinin because they are iron-rich, but the treatment works just as well for cancerous cells, too. Bioengineers Henry Lai and Narendra Singh of the University of Washington, Seattle were the scientists who initially made this discovery. This is yet another example of a natural herb causing cancerous cell apoptosis.
While the sweet wormwood extract has been somewhat difficult to obtain for a fair price for countless years, it is now on its way to being mass-produced by biotech. Will the result be positive and promising?
“It’s the volatility that really makes the supply chain for this life-saving drug just a complete train wreck,” says Jack Newman, chief scientific officer of the California-based biotech firm Amyris. ”When we first started talking about this,” Newman says, “we gave it 1,000 to 1 odds of ever working. “
French drugmaker Sanofi is expected to make 50 to 60 tons of artemisinin each year, striving to supply enough demand for the global market.
Source: Natural Society
qwert posted :
PRCs from different region/province behave so differently from other provinces's PRCs macham they are different race even though they are all ethnic han chinese.
Generally my encounters with the various provinces PRCs are those working-class Hebei, Shanxi, Hainan, Yunnan etc PRCs are more kind-hearted and more well-behaved than the working-class spore-born chinese but those Guangdong, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Dongbei working-class PRCs are more badly-behaved than the working-class spore-born sporeans.
Whereas Bejing, Shandong, Fujian PRCs are somewhere in between these 2 groups of PRCs, they are more considerate than the Guangdong, Shanghai, Dongbei, Jiangsu PRCs but they are worse off than the Shanxi, Hebei, Hainan, Yunnan PRCs.
LeongSam posted :
U are a China expert??? I've never come across such a display of in-depth knowledge. Even the PRCs in Auckland can't go into such detail.
Toddler Steps in for Late Mother in Touching Photo Series
Ben and Ali Nunery bought their home in Cincinnati, Ohio, the day before their wedding and thought that having photos taken in the bare-bones abode would be a celebratory way to commemorate the occasions. But their time there was short-lived and bittersweet. The couple welcomed their new daughter, Olivia, but sadly, Ali lost a battle with lung cancer and died in November 2011. The suburban home is empty once again, now that Ben and Olivia recently moved out. To say goodbye to the sentimental setting, Ben asked his sister-in-law, Melanie Pace, and her husband, Adam, both professional photographers, to take pictures of him and 3-year-old Olivia in the unfurnished house, just like they did on his wedding day. Ben brainstormed ways for him and his daughter to remember the house and thought that recreating the wedding day shoot would be symbolic. "I always thought that there had to be some way to turn my loss into something positive and useful for other people and I think that this is what's happening now," Ben tells Yahoo Shine. "I don't want people to see these photos and think sadness and grief. I want them to see the love I have for Ali and Olivia. The love is always there and that's what goes on."
"Hot Girl Knows Her Rights with Cops Tells Off Border Patrol Police"
[Korea] - Video of two caucasians abusing a korean woman
Original article :
[Photos] - Beautiful homes with breathtaking views
On another Singapore forum, Physiocrat asked :
Karma of suicide ?
Chanced upon an incident:
Someone committed suicide by jumping off from home.
Days latter, the family living directly below was scared shitless as they witness the "thing" jumping off from the exact same spot again.
The family of the deceased (Chinese Christians) was thus pressured by the neighbors below (Malays) to quickly go do something about it.
What happened later on as to what was being done is unknown but do know that the family started to seek advice from alternative religions.
I replied him helpfully (hopefully so, at least) :
When a person dies under emotional trauma, including suicide (ie. the emotional suffering that caused the suicide in the first place) and other traumatic deaths (eg. torture / murders), the energy of the emotional pain and psychological trauma naturally accompanies the consciousness after the physical/biological body is dead. Such 'ghosts' are more correctly termed psychotic post-mortems, or psychologically unstable/distressed after physical death. There are also known as 'earthbound', not because of any punishment or hell (erroneous concepts by dogmatic religions, themselves misguided) because the energy and state of psychological pain and suffering (or anger, hatred and murderous intent for some individuals) 'binds' or 'traps' these consciousnesses or 'ghosts' in the physical earth plane, making it harder for them to move onto other planes of existence of higher consciousness, frequencies and vibrations, including reconnecting with their extraphysical 'home' and soul families.
Karma is not punishment, there is no 'god' or being(s) of authority that determine one's karma and/or 'punishment' (as dogmatic religions would have you erroneously think). Karma is a natural aspect of existence, not a religious concept of 'punishment'. In didactic or pedagogical ways of human thinking, karma (which may be conceived as 'work', and/or 'cause-and-effect' or 'action-and-consequences', both obvious and direct, as well as subtle and indirect, and goes across lifetimes and karma also uniquely describes every unique relationship you have with all others, ie. your karma with every individual and every relationship is unique, and works across all your lifetimes in multiple levels and multiple ways) is therefore a mechanism of personal consciential soul evolution. Karma, which is best described as a neutral, natural law (like any law of physics or chemistry), is therefore in this regard, a useful mechanism that works intimately with physical reincarnation, another useful mechanism or tool for personal soul evolution (including the useful karmic work and progress in all relationships with all others).
Now that it has been understood that karma and reincarnation are *not* about punishment, let's look at suicide. Each and every suicde, and/or abortion, etc, is a unique case with unique background, karma and energy. Because most suicides are done in a state of severe psychological pain and suffering, hence as mentioned previously, it is a natural phenomenon (and not punishment), that most suicidees bring into their 'afterlife' or the extraphysical after discarnation or death, the same psychic energy of psychological trauma and pain, causing them to be psychotic post-mortems or 'earthbound ghosts'. These can be helped, and the relevant guides & helpers connected to the individual are alerted and do try their best to assist, but it takes time and (most importantly) willingness for the discarnated ('deceased') consciousness or 'ghost' to understand what's going on (some of these psychotic post-mortems don't even realize they're already dead, or take considerable time and reluctance to realize this), and they must want to let go of their emotional pain, suffering and baggage, and be willing to move on. Usually, due to the vibrational nature and proximity of the psychotic post-mortems memories and their tendency to 'cling onto' earth, hence self-imposing their earthbound condition, they are 'stuck' in the physical plane, and as such, the extraphysical guides & helpers may often need the assistance and energy of intraphysicals or still living people (either consciously if possible, but such is rare, so often the process is unconscious or semi-conscious on the part of the assisting intraphysical ; there are however, many intraphysicals or living people, so-called 'lightworkers' or 'healers' or psychics or even psychotherapists who consciously seek to assist the psychotic post-mortem to move on in some manner, using varying modalities and different, unrelated systems or schools of thoughts, of varying levels of religiousity or spirituality; these can be either working consciously or unconsciously with the various guides & helpers).
The karma of most suicides, does indeed carry on into future lifetimes. The 'sin' (there is actually no such thing as sin or morality, only ethics and cosmoethics) of suicide, is really that (in most cases), it is a tragic waste of a lifetime and the valuable opportunities of that physical incarnation cut short. Such valuable opportunites, include the opportunity for the soul to will and exercise emotional strength and tenacity, in face of emotional challenges and pain.
(At this point, it should be noted that some suicides, are ethical or appropriate suicides. Although rare, there are circumstances in which the suicidee commits the act out of a clear level-headedness, eg. self-euthanasia involving incurable delibitating medical conditions; and/or for the sake and consideration of others around, etc. As such does not carry as much emotional pain, the state of the consciousness upon death, and the associated karma, is naturally different. What then, determines the karma of such a suicide, wil be other factors such as the underlying motivations, including how 'selfish' or 'selfless' the nature of the suicide.)
Notwithstanding and nonetheless, in the majority of cases in which the suicide was not necessary and not appropriate, not only will the suicide be perceived and seen as a tragic waste of life, effort, resources and opportunity, by the the soul's evolutionary orientor, guides & helpers, and others in the soul family (or families), but in almost all such cases (of inappropriate suicides), the soul or higher self itself, will terribly regret the suicide as an act of emotional weakness or even 'corwardice' (this judgement is usually more self-imposed, the guides & helpers are somewhat more understanding and sympathetic). As such, karmic learning opportunities to revisit the karma and of suicide, will be arranged in future lifetimes, until the karma and issue of suicide (including emotional strength vs weakness) has been overcome and mastered to the satisfaction of the soul (and the soul's guides).
As an analogy, just as, if one fails or performs dissatisfactorily for the A level exams, one might wish to retake the exam, either within the same JC, or at a private school, or as a private candidate. Even moving on to other pathways of academia, such as a polytechnic or private university, it is still giving oneself the opportunity to overcome one's failure or underperformance at the previous exam. Similarly, many souls will (some more willingly, some less willingly) recognize that unless he/she overcomes the emotional weakness and/or disatisfactory handling of the stresses / issues / relationships that led to the suicide, for which only physical incarnation can provide such opportunities, otherwise the weakness or failure or underperformance will remain as part of the soul and soul's karma, and more than the soul's guides & helpers, it is the soul him/herself that wants to re-dress this, to have the opportunity to relive the emotional trauma and circumstances that led to the emotional weakness of the suicide.
As such, human souls with this issue of suicide, having committed suicide in a past life, or commonly, several past lives, will continue to revisit this in this lifetime and future lifetimes. The way to identify such individuals, is that they have stronger and average suicidal tendencies. It is almost definitely karma from past lives. Such souls in physical incarnation will (naturally and obviously, not so much consciously; but rather subtly have such circumstances attracted and arranged by his/her guides at the request of his/her higher self or soul) attract similar emotional difficulties, could be with the same individuals or different individuals, as from his/her past lives, in a bid to test him/herself again in this lifetime, in terms of emotional fortutide and tenacity, to be tempted by suicide, but be strong enough to overcome such tendencies, ideally out of respect and love for others around him/her, and out of recognition of the value of life and physical incarnation as well.
If you know such a friend or relative with such suicidal tendencies, give him/her the emotional support as best as you can give, together with, if possible, an understanding of the suicidal karma across lifetimes, so that he/she may better understand and appreciate what's at stake, for him/herself, to grow in strength to overcome the weakness of suicide. Such growth will be a permanent addition and benefit for the soul, and not just this lifetime alone.
If you know someone who has committed suicide, and are concerned for him/her (eg. you worry that he/she might now be suffering as a earthbound psychotic post-mortem), then there are several options you can consider. I do not recommend religious rituals, because religion in general, is not helpful to anyone. Tis best to be a self-responsible free-thinker. Even religious exorcisms to handle psychical intrusions of a darker nature, including those that religions have called 'demonic possession', and/or by extraterrestrial abductions or encounters of a negative nature (these are entire separate topics for entirely separate discussions), are certainly not recommended due to their adverserial us-vs-them unhelpful polemic nature, and can often do more harm (to everyone involved, including the extraphysicals and/or extraterrestrials involved in what may be multiple level nested intrusions, or in some cases, severely misunderstood intentions) than good.
What then, are your options? There are several, and you can do your own research in this vast subject on the internet. As mentioned previously, there are multiple, unrelated systems and schools of thought here. As always, particularly in such fields or domains, be careful. Caveat Emptor. Charlatans or fakes, are not the worst possible scenario. Those who have a genuine need can PM me (if the need arises in your future), if you wish further suggestions in this regard. You can also google "Hilarion Reading" for more information on one possible such avenue of (completely benign and safe) a request for assistance.
But here's something you can safely do : Ask and you shall receive. Ask (aloud if you find it helps) for assistance from the guides & helpers (it does not matter if these be your own personal guides & helpers, or the deceased's guides & helpers, or yet other guides & helpers that specialize in such areas; they will network and assist together in ways appropriate from their side), to help the consciousness that has discarnated (whether suicide, murdered or any type of death), to heal and move on.
You might ask : but if the guides & helpers are already aware of the discarnate's psychotic post-mortem plight, and are already doing what they can to assist, then how does my asking them for help, make any difference? The answer is : as an extraphysical asking for help, it will help the various guides & helpers to better coordinate, plan and execute their assistance, they may work through you or with you, eg. psychically/energetically with your willingness as an intraphysical anchor and/or conduit, for isntance. There are many ways, but as long as you are willling to assist, particularly if the deceased (a misnomer, as he/she only temporarily ceases physicality, and certainly not his/her conscious existence!) was a friend or loved one, whichever way or combination of ways are employed, it can only be helpful to yourself and to him/her.
Another possibility in such a scenario, in which you may feel telepathically inspired and guided by the guides & helpers, is for you to speak (aloud, if you find it helpful) to the deceased / discarnated consciouisness or being or 'ghost', in a loving and helpful way, communicating that you're aware of his/her continued existence, of his/her possible confusion (if you sense it there is such), expressing your understanding, sympathy and empathy, and communicating to him/her to be aware or to look out for incoming guides & helpers, which are here to help him/her understand his/her situation, adjust, heal, do what is necessary and move on. Because the deceased / discarnate's consciousness is usually more attuned to the physical plane and to the consciousnesses of the intraphysicals, such as friends, rather than that of incoming guides & helpers, you will, in such a (fairly common) scenario, serve as a 'middle-man' or helpful 'bridge' that both parties (the deceased/discarnated or psychotic post-mortem) can see, and hence can make use (of you) to 'see' and establish contact with each other, so to speak, allowing the guides & helpers to carry out their assistantial work with the deceased/discarnated consciousness, to adjust, heal, move on to the higher planes of consciousness (the energetic portal often conceived in one's consciousness as a light, hence you might say something along the lines of, "when you see the guides & helpers, you might also see a loving, healing, guiding Light, it is safe to move towards the Light"), and assist in the process of reintegrating the consciousness back to his/her own higher self or soul, to his/her own extraphysical home, own soul community, soul family or families. Souls will experience a period of rest and recuperation as much as necessary, before a Life Review takes place (not one of judgement, but one of helpful guidance, a higher form of post-mortem work review that organizations employ in the corporate world today) in preparation for the next physical lifetime or incarnation, whenever that may be, varying widely depending on many factors (a separate topic for a completely separate discussion).
Send love (this is important : do not send or feel emotional grief or pain, the consciousness that discarnated, has more than enough of that, and doesn't need anymore) to the person who has passed on or discarnated, this will be psychically helpful for the consciousness to 'awake', heal and move on. Sending love is sending emotional strength, and it always helps. At funerals, feel love and not grief, the best that you can. That's the best way to assist the consciousness to move on.
No worries that this is the final goodbye, because it isn't. The unique karma and love that you have with every other individual in your life (and all your lifetimes), continues on forever, just as all souls, continue on forever. Across space and time, across all your lifetimes, and across all your existences. Your love and your relationships, continue on forever.
It is always *you* teaching yourself, whenever you attend a lecture by someone else, in church (though as I said, best to be free-thinker), a seminar, or from books, and you find a deeper sense of agreement and/or you gain something of deeper value from it. Either it (ie. the external teacher or book) is merely a tool which helps your consciousness reconnect with your own learning in your soul, from past lives, etc; or even if it's entirely new in this lifetime, it is still your own willlingness to learn, that was responsible for your learning.
(As an example, the reason some pple are naturally prodigious or gifted or talented in playing a musical instrument, or in martial arts, or in a particular science eg. medicine, etc, are karmic 'gifts' or momentum from past lives, in which effort was made in these fields. As such skills or inclinations or learnings from your various lifetimes get incorporated into your soul, naturally your future lifetimes will, barring special karmic requirements of that lifetime that do not allow it, will find it naturally easy to develop and re-learn or recall these strengths from past lives, as if you are able to quickly gain back your karmic inheritance (from past lives) and continue from where you left off.)
Hence, no 'guru' or religion or book or external entity, can truly claim credit for your learning or growth of your soul. No matter what external tool is used, doesn't matter, remember that it is only *you* who teaches yourself, you are your own true guru or teacher. Others around you may be karmically arranged to facilitate this, particularly relationships with others of personal karmic importance, such as (arranging to be born within) your family, good friends, girlfriends and loved ones. But only *you* are responsible for *yourself*, in all ways.
About the "selective hearing" part, it better be this way! If you were to blindly follow, a political party, a church, a guru, a religion, etc, that means you're a blind sheep. Instead, what you refer to as "selective hearing", is really exercising free will and self-responsibility. When someone or a book or whatever says something, agree only with what you agree, and use it for yourself, and disagree with what you disagree. What is right for the author, might not be right for you. (There is no right or wrong, only accurate and inaccurate, appropriate and inappropriate, helpful and not helpful; there is no moral or immoral, only ethical and unethical, and so on).
No author, or scientist or doctor, can give you his 1000 opinions on 1000 different things, and you agree on all 1000 of them. This refers not just to the chap saying, "the iPhone is better than the Galaxy", but it can even be that one doctor honestly says, "from my professional experience, this treatment A is more helpful than treatment B" while another doctor honestly says, "from my professional experience, this treatment B is more helpful than treatment A". And each doctor is correct in his own way.
Even on something seemingly 'factual', can have 3 different pple saying 3 different things, eg. "an apple is red" versus "an apple is a fruit" versus "an apple is approximately spherical", the 3 severely myopic men feeling and describing the elephant. Human words in physicality is limiting, hence what an author really means when he says something, isn't necessary what you interpret and thinks he means. Therefore, even if you would otherwise agree with him if you conversed with him face-to-face, but from the way he wrote it and the way you read it, it is correct for you to disgaree with him, or more precisely, it is correct for you to disagree with what you think he said, rather than what he means when he said it (which you could still correctly disgaree with! and each of you would be correct, based on your own experiences and perspectives and unique situations).
What's right for one person, may not be right for another. In one context, killing another person may be sadistic murder, and would involve such karma. In another context, killing another person would have saved many lives, and would involve such karma. In the 1st context, the action of killing would have been 'wrong' or unethical, while in the 2nd context the same action of killing would have been 'right' or ethical. Especially in 'moral' or ethica dilmemmas, there is no right or wrong, but there are only consequences and the associated karma (either way you choose). For the same context or dilemma, for one person, choosing decision A would be more 'right' or appropriate, while for another person, choosing decision B would be more 'right' or appropriate.
It may interest you to note that even in the extraphysical, the guides & helpers do on occasion disagree (slightly or not so slightly, but always with mutual respect and without delibitating conflict) on some issues and dilemmas, what is the more 'right' choice to make in a particular context or relationship. On a more down-to-earth analogy, different JC teachers still often disgaree on what the 'right' or best answer is for a particular A level exam question.
Everyone is experiencing reality from a unique perspective, with unique persent, past and future life experiences, with unique karma and free will choices throughout all lifetimes and existences. "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Creation" as the Vulcans put it. Yes, there are shared experiences (indeed, this is one of the purposes of physical incarnation) and share perspectives, but just as there is chaos within order and order within chaos, every being in the Cosmos must contribute an at least somewhat unique perspective, for such is the value and purpose of existence, ie. God (which is more correctly defined as the Truth, Totality and Simultaneity of Each and All Beings in Existence) splitting him/her/your/them/ourselves into infinite consciousnesses in infinite forms and beings. Such splitting is of course, only in form and not in essence. The Oneness that connects all beings across space and time, that is God.
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Originally Posted by james1
Two things : first of all, whether the karma is completely balanced out in this lifetime, depends on many factors, primarily opportunity. Cases of trival karma are readily balanced anytime, and often settled within this same lifetime. For more severe karmic cases, eg. serial murder, torture, wartime atrocities, or very good karma of large magnitudes involving saving or improving hundreds or thousands of lives, obviously one lifetime will not be enough to completely work or balance it out. Opportunity to completely work out or balance or evolve karma, often then proceeds over several (or even many) lifetimes. So summary answer : depends on complexity of karma, and opportunity to work it out completely.
Next, on mental insanity. Note that there are no coincidences of a major type, certainly being psychopathic is a major trait that leaves no room for random chance. As such, the soul has chosen (some more willingly, some more reluctantly) to experience a lifetime of psychopathy, including (in the karmic contract) agreeing (again, some more willingly, some more relunctantly) to accept and take on any and all karma that results, directly or indirectly, from the psychopathy, including the karma from violence, brutality, abuse of others, even murder, etc.
To some extent, all of us who chose (happily or otherwise) to incarnate into physicality (again, some less evolved souls incarnate more reluctantly, while the more evolved souls incarnate more willingly), have implicitly accepted (don't like also bo pian, got to accept) that being physical inadvertantly and invariably involves a lot of pain, suffering, and incurring more karma of all sorts. It's a business decision, all businesses involve investment, and the returns may or may not result in profit, commonly enough significant loss, or even bankruptcy. Its the rules of the game, whether it's a business venture or physical incarnation.
To get ahead in business including spiritual business, live your life wisely, and you get to grow and progress (twin goals of physical incarnation : evolution and assistantiality; after each person dies, he/she/you will be asked in your Life Review, along the lines of : "In this lifetime just over, what have you learnt, and who have you helped?"), and generate more helpful, ethical, positive karma, than destructive, unethical, negative karma. More profits than losses in your spiritual business.
Why would a soul want to kena or incarnate into, a diseased body and/or mind? For karmic reasons of course. The soul may have negative karma in this area, and reluctantly require (ie. advised by the teachers, guides & helpers, evolutionary orientor, etc) the experience of such a problematic lifetime. It could be that the soul is undergoing a test, to see if it can, trapped in a psychotic mind, exercise the inner strength to overcome the sadistic, violent and murderous tendencies that the diseased mind, including DNA genetics and/or planned events that cause psychotic trauma, brings to the consciousness, as a karmic test (this is just one of many possibilities; karma is complex and there are always multiple possibilities to consider : two persons in similar situations or circumstances may have completely different underlying karma, one very good karma, one very bad karma; so do not judge others, but empathize, sympathize and assist as best you can).
Another two points at this juncture :
Karma is complex, and there are many levels and aspects of what humans call Karma. One aspect is what you would consider Consequences alone (regardless of intentions). The other aspect, is what you would consider Intentions alone (regardless of consequences). In actuality from a higher viewpoint, both aspects apply simultaneously, automatically and non-judgementally. That is to say, no 'god' or beings of external authority (including your guides & helpers, your Council of Elders, Evolutionary Orientor, etc) judges you or decrees that you deserve such-and-such a karma. Karma is automatic, a natural reflex action of the universe, therefore whatever your actions & intentions and their consequences are, they are collectively called work or "karma", and is your soul's personal contribution to the universe. So karma is not punishment pinned or forced artificially onto anyone, karma is simply the work of whatever you do, the consequence unto yourself, others and the universe.
So, in the case of a psychotic individual, and the kind of karma incurred; we've already considered some of the underlying possibilities, of why any soul would want to incarnate into a psychotic mind or diseased body, ie. it's a karmic arrangement, and not a coincidence or accident. Putting the underlying motivations aside then; it is accurate to say that whether the individual is of sound mind or disturbed mind when commiting those actions (either helpful or harmful, ethical or unethical, 'good' or 'bad', etc), it does not matter, in the sense that the karma is automatic, and automatically and simultaneously considers both factors (of Consequence and Intention) :
Consequences :
If the consequences are ethical, helpful, positive, then by definition of Karma (ie. work), the consequence-karma is accordingly ethical, helpful, positive.
If the consequences are unethical, harmful, negative, then by definition of Karma (ie. work), the consequence-karma is accordingly unethical, harmful, negative.
Intentions :
If the intentions are ethical, helpful, positive, then by definition of Karma (ie. work), the intention-karma is accordingly ethical, helpful, positive.
If the intentions are unethical, harmful, negative, then by definition of Karma (ie. work), the intention-karma is accordingly unethical, harmful, negative.
Karma is highly complex and multi-layered, and it's not simply about Consequence and Intention as humans understand this; but in the context of this discussion, these two are the most relevant factors that will suffice for us to consider.
Gary V. Deutschmann, Sr. |
"Any REAL magician or mentalist could do it. Can you?"
Considering there must be 1/2 million or more different glass designs
in peoples possession, I sure would hate to stock that many in order
to make a switch for a borrowed one.
I do a great bent wine glass or a platform bent champagne glass using
the methods I outlined in one of my posts. And the effect occurs
right in front of the spectators eyes with no switches of glasses
being made.
Just in case you missed the post or it was censored.
The bent champagne glass uses crystallized Caustic Soda in the Stem of
a Polystryene Plastic Champagne Glass. About 5cc of water is injected
into the glass covertly or blatantly as part of the routine which
activates the Lye to generate heat, the heat in turn melts (softens)
the plastic enough so that it bends over until the rim of the glass is
resting on the table.
The bent wine glass uses a heating coil in the base of the plastic
wine glass, two small batteries also in the base supply the current to
heat the coil soften the plastic and the glass bends until the rim
touches the table. The heating element and battery unit was made by
Galton Industries for those curious around 1975 I guess.
For those who are unaware that plastic glassware, in wine glasses the
hollow portion of the stem is from the bottom and the stems are
usually colored, mine were black stemmed and on champagne glasses the
hollow stem is from the top and is usually clear. The plastic can be
stained to make it appear that it has liquid in it and hide the lye or
you can glue a small tube in the center of the glass and fill the
glass almost to the tip of the tube with colored liquid. Then when
your ready to activate the device, just add more liquid to the glass,
causing it to overflow into the center tube that you glued in place.
My other post elaborated greatly on setting up the effects.
While I'm giving away Secrets to appease Ray's curiosity, I might as
well publicly explain how my bent spoon, fork, key and letter opener
It all started with my obtaining a key designed so that it visually it
emulated a Schlage Lock key. You set the straight key in the middle
of a table, step way back from it so that no one can accuse you of
touching it. Within under a minute, the key will bend approximately
15 degrees right in the middle about 1/4 inch in front of the handle
portion of the key.
It, the spoon, the fork and the letter opener all consist of the same
unique tri-metallic construction.
They are laminated metals, similar to bi-metallic strips, except they
use three different metals in their construction. The area where the
bend is the sharpest is filled with some type of black carbonatious
I don't claim to understand the metalurgy enough to know what types of
metals they are, or the real purpose of the carbonatious area. I know
the carbon area exists because I broke one of the spoons once.
In any case, the props at rest or in storage are in their bent
position, this is their normal position.
Prior to performing the illusion, the particular item I am going to
use, while it is in my case out of sight, has a small cylinder placed
around it, that is also connected to 2 size C batteries. The cylinder
heats and the prop straightens actually overbends slightly.
I remove it from the cylinder immediately before the performance, and
as long as I am holding the prop in my hand, or a spectator is looking
at it, it stays just warm enough that it does not bend.
When it is placed on a table by the spectator, I know that I have X
number of seconds before the cooler table will cause the prop to begin
to bend, usually this is around 30 seconds unless the table is wet or
covered with a tablecloth. A wet table decreases the time before
bending and a tablecloth greatly lengthens the time before bending.
The key that I had was probably similar to the key Uri Geller used
when he performed the same trick and the other props are made using
the same materials and type of construction.
I also owned several other props, the likes of which are never found
in common magic shops and most are custom made and distributed only to
a very few select performers.
Poor girl! Hope she gets all the (medical, financial and emotional) support she needs.
SINGAPORE: A 14-year-old girl's hand was crushed in a sugar cane machine on Sunday evening.
Eyewitnesses said the incident happened when the girl was helping her father out at his sugar cane stall at a hawker centre in Toa Payoh Lorong 8.
The Singapore Civil Defence Force said they received a call about the incident around 8.40pm.
They said the girl's right hand was stuck in the machine when they arrived.
Rescuers had to use tools to release her hand.
She was then sent conscious to Tan Tock Seng Hospital.
Channel NewsAsia understands the injuries sustained were from her fingers to wrist area and her bones were crushed.
How one woman's tweet made her world infamous within 24 hours.
Good skills, good choreography, and good effort. But if Donnie Yen can get "amazed" by it, it's only because Donnie is thinking, "I'm amazed how anyone can be buay hiao bai enough to think that any martial arts video can possibly impress me. Even I can't impress me, and I'm already the best in the world."
[Relationships] - "I chanced upon my hubby's other family"
"It started out like any other holiday. My husband Fred* and I had been to this hotel many times before.
"In fact, it had become a ritual for us to visit every year, staying about �ve days each time - Fred had found the place and I liked the delicious food and wonderful spa treatments they offered.
"Some years, we went alone, and other years, our two young children would come along.
"Fred had many friends and business associates there, and he would occasionally leave me to my own devices while he went to meet them, coming back in time for dinner.
"On this holiday, Fred, as usual, told me he was going to meet his buddies. Innocently, I asked to tag along - in all the 10 years we had been holidaying there, I'd never met his friends.
"Fred refused, saying I'd be bored with their mundane chatter. He asked me to enjoy the hotel facilities and wait for his return later that evening. I reluctantly agreed.
"However, two hours later, I decided to go shopping in town. I spent a fair bit of time walking around, working up an appetite. Feeling famished, I headed to a nearby cafe for some snacks and a cup of tea.
"As I crossed the road to the cafe, I saw Fred sitting at one of the tables, feeding three young children.
"They must be his friends' kids, I thought. Eager for my husband's company, I hurried over to him, only to stop short when I noticed a petite woman carrying a tray of food making her way towards Fred.
"I watched as she sat next to Fred and leaned in for a kiss. My eyes widened in disbelief as my husband kissed her back on the lips. My heart sank as I watched them gaze lovingly into each other's eyes.
"Not knowing what to do after catching my husband sharing an intimate moment with another woman, I quickly looked for a place to hide.
"I stepped behind a big tree, trying not to hyperventilate as I tried to work out what I had just seen.
"Was the woman one of Fred's many friends, I wondered? But no matter how much I tried to rationalise what I'd seen, it came back to one thing - judging from the intimate way Fred and the woman were behaving, they must be lovers.
"I should know - I'd been married to Fred for 12 years and that look he gave the woman was the same one he used to give me in our 'honeymoon' years.
"My eyes started to burn - I didn't realise I had been crying. At a loss as to what to do, I contemplated packing my bags and flying home.
"Then I felt indignant. Why should I beat a hasty retreat? It was bad enough that I was cowering behind a tree as if I was the one with something to hide.
"After about half an hour, I decided I needed to �nd out what was going on.
"Taking a deep breath, I marched across the road into the cafe and over to Fred's table. He turned pale when he saw me.
"I'd wanted to stay calm but my anger got the better of me - I slapped him and demanded to know who the woman was.
"Rubbing his cheek, Fred pulled me aside and asked me to return to the hotel.
"He said it was all a big misunderstanding and that he would explain everything later.
"I became hysterical and demanded that he tell me everything there and then, or I would kick up an even bigger fuss for all to see.
"Seeing that his efforts to placate me had failed, Fred brought me back to the table. The woman had remained seated the whole time, hugging the children close to her while watching my little drama with Fred unfold.
"Meet Jane*, Fred said, and her kids.
"Jane gave me a meek smile but I just stared at her.
"Fred explained that he had met Jane four years ago during a work trip there. Jane was the waitress at the restaurant that he and his business associates were having dinner at.
"They'd connected emotionally and Fred had decided to pursue the friendship.
"When he found out that Jane and her children had been abandoned by her ex-husband, Fred took pity on her and helped her out �nancially - he tried to make as many business trips to the place as he could, so that he could look in on her more often.
"'So you repay my husband's kindness by having an affair with him?' I asked Jane. She kept quiet and looked to Fred for help. She seemed genuinely distressed. I watched in dismay as Fred reached for her hand and squeezed it.
"Then he turned to me and dropped a bombshell: 'We're not having an affair, Kim. We got married two years ago.'
"I was stunned. My husband had married another woman?
"He had been juggling two families for the past two years and leading a double life?
"My children and I had been sharing a father and husband all this while? Was their marriage even recognised? How was he supporting dual families - did he skimp on us so he could splurge on them?
"No wonder he loved going back time and again to the same hotel for a holiday - it was so convenient for him to sneak out and spend time with his other family!
"I was in shock and seething with rage, but I was also disappointed and heartbroken.
"I ran out of the cafe and caught a cab back to the hotel. Fred didn't chase after me - I wasn't sure if I felt relieved or upset at that.
"Fred didn't return to the hotel until late that night. By then, my eyes were swollen from crying and I'd packed my bags. I told him I was going home the next morning.
"Fred tried to persuade me to stay, saying we needed to work things out.
"I refused and told him that if he still loved me, he would leave with me. He took a moment to consider, then told me to go ahead.
"'I need to tie up some loose ends. I will be home in two days,' he said.
"So I went home alone, rejected by the man I'd thought was my soulmate - we had been together since college and hardly ever argued throughout our relationship - and mulling over myriad questions.
"Was my marriage a sham? Was it worth saving? How would I tell the kids that their father has another family overseas? By the time Fred returned home two days later, I still didn't have the answers.
"For a month after that, Fred and I crept around each other, not saying much and keeping up a semblance of a marriage before we attempted to communicate again.
"Fred reached out �rst, saying we needed to discuss things. He took me to dinner at our favourite restaurant and was an absolute gentleman that night, reminding me of how he used to be when we'd �rst started dating.
"He apologised for upsetting me and told me that he hadn't planned on falling in love with Jane. 'It just happened,' he said earnestly.
"He said he was waiting for the right time to tell me. Sobbing, he asked for my forgiveness.
"He'd missed me terribly and wanted to make things better between us. 'Can't we just go back to the way we were?' he begged. He promised that he would fairly divide his time between Jane and me.
"At that moment, it all became clear to me - I knew what I needed to do. We'd never go back to the way we were if Fred wasn't willing to let go of his other wife. I certainly wasn't going to share, so I asked Fred for a divorce.
"He was taken aback. 'We've been married for so long. You can't just give up on us now. Think of our children,' he implored.
"But I remained �rm. I told him he had made a mockery of our marriage and I couldn't accept another woman in his life.
"I couldn't understand how my husband could give his heart to someone else and sneak around while doing so.
"That was two years ago. It took me about a year to �nally move on with my life.
"I have a steady job now and have moved back in with my parents, who have been so supportive, even helping me care for my kids while I'm at work.
"It was dif�cult at �rst, having to survive on a single income - I realised how 'pampered' we had been when Fred was around and bringing home a big salary - but we have managed to adjust to our new, humble lifestyle.
"I never bothered to �nd out what the legal status of Fred's second marriage was.
"But I explained to my children what their father did and why we divorced - I don't want to hide anything from them. I don't know if they fully grasped the situation - all they did was to cry and hug me, and ask for Daddy to make them breakfast the day after - but I hope they will understand when they get older.
"They still see their father once in a while, but they are no longer as close to him as before.
"I have started dating again. I'm not yet ready to walk down the aisle once more, but I'm willing to take a second chance with another man.
"I hope that I'll be able to �nd someone better than Fred, someone who will not only embrace my young ones as his own, but also love me - and only me."
(*Names have been changed, obviously)