[Malaysia] - A man who has personally rescued over 500 dogs
Great Balls of Fire !!! ~~~
Ex-HCJC student XinLin's blog entry :
Ex-MOE teacher NeuroticRambling's blog entry on XinLin's blog entry :
Visitor MrSoonToBeLawyer's comments on NeuroticRambling's blog entry about XinLin's blog entry :
My sympathy with XL (if any) is extremely limited. I studied at HCI and HCJC two years ago and i'll go as far as admitting that it is a high stress environment which is very demanding but i'll stop short of calling it flawed. every now and then it is necessary to stop and understand that nowhere in this world does there exist a utopia and if we should attempt to compare it to our projected ideals, then everything will fall short and appear flawed.
If there is one really important thing i learnt from my HC experience, it is that being able to adapt to your environment is extremely important for your success. evidently, it appears that the real problem lies not in the misrepresentation of data, or incompetent teachers or whatnot. These are not problems exclusive to her but they are not problems which affect everybody. The reason for that lies in our perception of a problem and our capacity to reconfigure ourselves in order to overcome these perceived problems. Clearly, XL lacks the skills required to operate in a demanding environment and should not even be in HC.
XL makes vague and shady assertions about how she was tricked into joining HC. I find this wholly ridiculous and comical. If she wasn't satisfied, she could have left. Was she expecting a complete change to take place just for her? God knows what was going through her head.
I was in a CCA that trained 4 times a week, i headed a CIP project, i took up a H3 subject in J2, and i got 3 gold medals, straight As for A levels, including my H3 subject, PW and GP. This July, i'll be beginning my term at oxford where i'll be studying law. So i would urge anyone quick to sympathise or empathise with XL to take a step back and understand that problems are not problems unless you make them to be problems and refuse to budge and expect the whole world to change to suit you.
Nobody denies that elitism exists. but i am eternally grateful for this education as it has provided me with so much more beyond the mountains of readings and projects. An elite education is not for everyone. Not everyone can handle it, and not everyone deserves it. You reap what you sow, and if you're lazy and immature and intend to work inconsistently, don't be too surprised with an ABBBC. if you want to be recognised and want to prove yourself, better damn well work for it and stop whining because NOBODY CARES.
Visitor FuckYouMrSoonToBeLawyer on Visitor MrSoonToBeLawyer's comments on NeuroticRambling's blog entry about XinLin's blog entry :
"My sympathy with XL (if any) is extremely limited. I studied at HCI and HCJC two years ago and i'll go as far as admitting that it is a high stress environment which is very demanding but i'll stop short of calling it flawed. every now and then it is necessary to stop and understand that nowhere in this world does there exist a utopia and if we should attempt to compare it to our projected ideals, then everything will fall short and appear flawed."
First off: What do you consider a utopia. Your own version of a utopia may not coincide with hers, or even conflict with her.
From what I have read, XL's post is about waking up from her own disillusioned self, and being stronger in that aspect. I never seen her say ranting about how she hated HCJC for all the experience that it has given her.
"If there is one really important thing i learnt from my HC experience, it is that being able to adapt to your environment is extremely important for your success. evidently, it appears that the real problem lies not in the misrepresentation of data, or incompetent teachers or whatnot. These are not problems exclusive to her but they are not problems which affect everybody. The reason for that lies in our perception of a problem and our capacity to reconfigure ourselves in order to overcome these perceived problems. Clearly, XL lacks the skills required to operate in a demanding environment and should not even be in HC."
Oh please. What she bring up is her own experience a posteriori. Yes both of you acknowledge that the problem exist. And while I do agree with you that adapting to your environment is crucial to attaining success, there is a thing called aptitude. Not everyone is so "mightly high" as you. If I read correctly, her strengths are in Chinese Dance. Supposing I put you in a Chinese Dance School with her, would you have done as well as her? While I do agree that she could be a misfit to your oh so "high mightly" HC culture, it does not mean that she just sat back and let the environment conditions take over her thoughts, in which I will elaborate on the next paragraph. She did try to learn the skills to adapt to JC life, albeit unsuccessful. And to say that she should not be in HC. She earned the f****** right to go to HC and learn there.
"XL makes vague and shady assertions about how she was tricked into joining HC. I find this wholly ridiculous and comical. If she wasn't satisfied, she could have left. Was she expecting a complete change to take place just for her? God knows what was going through her head."
This is when I have to take a tough stand against your ridiculous statement. Have you read through her whole post? From the bloody original site. She tried her upmost best to adapt to the saturation. If not she could have given up and became a playgirl. And leaving JC is not as easy as snapping your finger. Please think about it. Potential disruption to your current life should be minimized. Hence staying in HCJC and doing your best there should be a better option.
She should be given credit for trying hard, especially before her exams. Her consultations to the teachers, her all nighters. Her sweat and tears are not for nothing, as she grows up a more mature woman. SHE DOES NOT CERTAINLY WAIT FOR A COMPLETE CHANGE, as you have asserted.
"I was in a CCA that trained 4 times a week, i headed a CIP project, i took up a H3 subject in J2, and i got 3 gold medals, straight As for A levels, including my H3 subject, PW and GP. This July, i'll be beginning my term at oxford where i'll be studying law. So i would urge anyone quick to sympathise or empathise with XL to take a step back and understand that problems are not problems unless you make them to be problems and refuse to budge and expect the whole world to change to suit you."
While I am amazed at how much you have done, realize that you are committing a fallacy, soon to be lawyer. I am not going to appeal to your flawed logic. How does your achievements got to do with XL? So take your egoism and your own achievements elsewhere and lets concentrate on the main issue.
So what is your definition of problem? It is a situation in which needs to be overcome. So you are proposing to ignore the consequences of global warming cause you do not want to recognise it as a problem? I will put you in the level of climate deniers (together with science deniers) if u do agree.
A problem is not created intrinsically by you. IT IS AN EXTRINSTIC ISSUE. An issue in which XL recognize and try to solve it within her own means. And your last sentence in that paragraph does not makes sense.
And while I do not have any sympathy or empathy with XL, she gains my respect because she is head front in dealing with her own problems and that she is willing to share with your experience.
"Nobody denies that elitism exists. but i am eternally grateful for this education as it has provided me with so much more beyond the mountains of readings and projects. An elite education is not for everyone. Not everyone can handle it, and not everyone deserves it. You reap what you sow, and if you're lazy and immature and intend to work inconsistently, don't be too surprised with an ABBBC. if you want to be recognised and want to prove yourself, better damn well work for it and stop whining because NOBODY CARES."
So tell me, soon to be lawyer, could your young self describe to me how does the Boltzmann distribution comes about, including the full derivation of the mathematical equation. Or the derivation of the Gibbs Equation, both of which is sadly not taught or used in A levels chemistry. Bloody hell. So grades are your knowledge or aptitude about your subject huh? Let me pour cold water to your elitist head, cause knowing discrete knowledge does not mean full understanding and appreciation of the subject content itself. I think you should quickly go to oxford and learn the error of your ways, like what you have implied in your last sentence. Elite education? FUCK YOU. I see Singapore education as a flawed pedagogy as a whole. Elite education will be good education if it teaches children how to truly learn, not cram for exams or as such. I rest my case.
Commuters save Japan woman stuck in platform gap -- by pushing train
I, Mohamed Yusoff Idris, am filing this report as my concern to what is happening every Sunday at our parks and public places. I hope the authorities will look into this issues.
Every Sunday at the East Coast Park, Carpark D, Banglas and maids pitch tents as their ‘love nests’ for their immoral activities, more so when it rains. Right in a public recreational park and beach areas that are meant for family outings. I am sure making love in a carpark is a punishable offence.
At Paya Lebar MRT, City Plaza, Lucky Plaza, Botanical Gdns,Sentosa and Kallang river areas, have become their sexual outlets for Bangla/Indian buayas and maids. Checkout also cheap hotels for hourly bookings, in Geylang, Balestiar etc, where maids and Banglas checking rooms for their sexual flings.
Our maids have become the weekend 'comfort women' for these Bangla sex predators. Both Banglas and maids have it free and easy for sexual misconduct in Singapore. They are becoming bolder, smooching, caressing in public MRT and buses in total disregard of our social norms and ethics.
Some of the girls under declare their age to work, so theres a potential for Banglas having sex with underaged girls.
As we know hundreds of maids are pregnant every year, as always the girls get used and abandon. When things goes wrong its is easy for the Bangla/Indian guy to vanish, the phone calls goes cold. The maid does not know where the guys lives, it must be in a dormitory somewhere with thousands other workers with no room number.
On numerous occasions I have heard of maids after booking a hotel room with their Bangla boyfriends, find their money and possession missing along with their boyfriends.
I have seen these guys tugging pulling forcefully on these helpless maids, they just froze, offers no resistance, blank stare out of fear or surrender. I believe sometimes when maids are reluctant force are used.
When molest and rapes do happen, most maids are too scared to report , whatever happens these girls will never ever report to the authorities or police let alone inform their employers.
Sexual offences goes unreported.The maids do not how to complain and address their problems, they are easily exploited.
Some contracted diseases, experienced trauma after unpleasant experiences, In the end ultimately many will be abandoned with self worth dented, empty hopes and broken promises.
These naive lasses are unaware of the potential pitfalls and dangers awaiting from these predators, of heartbreaks, being victims of sexual abuses , unwanted pregnancies, loss of income, deported by employers, without any avenues of addressing their woes and predicament. They are the silent victims.
I read with despair our fellow Singaporean, are fined, jailed and caned for various degrees, even slightest, of ‘sex related crimes’. Prominent individuals are shamed, we are subjected to all kinds of rules and restrictions. Even employers get fined even jailed for abusing their maid.
Yet these sex crimes by our guest workers goes unpunished, free and easy according to their whims and fancies in Singapore. These Bangla/Indian sex fiends escaped conviction in their countries and in Singapore they escape the eye of the law too.
This is a social problem that needs to be addressed by the authorities. If nothing is done, then this will continue to happen indefinitely, Banglas will become more bolder and more innocent maids will fall victims indefinitely.
No sensible minded Singaporean will approve of such obnoxious behavior loath by Singaporeans, they they are also squeezing Singaporean of recreational space.
There must be guidelines about spending their off days, rules and regulations not to abuse and misbehave.
My suggestion,
•The National Parks authority must keep track of these park users, not for sinister activities and to behave within our social norms.
•The park authority must record not only the applicants name but also whoever will be in the campsite tent.
•All tents must not be fully covered and they must not use it as a place to make love.
•The authorities, Police, MOM or MCYS must check-out, record Banglas/Indians and maids booking into cheap hourly rates hotels
•Banglas and maids caught in uncompromising positions or close liaisons, the work permit will not be renewed.
•Bangla/Indian drivers must not use their employers vans, on Sundays for making love. (recently I saw a van with mattress, maids in East Coast Park)
•Maids and their boyfriends caught in their employers home be fined, deported and banned from entering Singapore. (Maid agencies must inform the police of these incidents)
•Maids off-days must not exceed 8pm.
•Bangla/Indian men who are responsible for any pregnancies will be fined and made to pay for all costs.
•No partying, partime work or consuming alcohol.
•The lawmakers must also proposed a “decency” law to ban ‘flirtatious and indecent behavior’ in public.There must be a ‘good behaviour’ grading among our foreign workers. Rgds, Thank You
Hahaha, which tree does he live on? If there is one social problem that needs to be looked at it's why some people think they can tell others what to do in their free time.
The guy is a holy man.
Must be a devout Christian with a Puritanical attitude towards sex as sport.
The name is "Mohamed Yusoff Idris" you twit!
"How can she slap?" Watch from 50 seconds onwards.
Another excellent Korean movie, up to the high standards of "Old Boy", "The Chaser" and "The Man From Now".
Full movie on YouTube :
[Singapore] - "After Dinner Mysteries" movie cast to attend premeire in Singapore.
The following comment was made by Soren Smith regarding a CHC confessor's "BBG side" of the story. It's kinda shocking so I'd like to share it here as a confession to raise its visibility. Thanks, Soren Smith, and keep the revelations coming...
"LOL. So which side of the story are you listening to? There are more than 2 sides: Kong's, Eng Han's and the truth. You are disappointed with Kong and the pastoral staff? Wait till you find out that you've been taken for a ride by Eng Han! For starters, he didn't start BBG. Obviously you weren't there in Pennsylvania House. Check with the other pioneers of BBG. Oops, they are no longer around. No wonder EH is so bold to sprout his nonsense.
Gave 17 years of his life? Did he forget to tell you how he benefitted for 17 years? He made Suntec happen? Definitely, the most cynical deal ever! A deal that is shrouded with a NDA and BVIs. Anybody still asking the question why the NDA? LOL!
The building fund of $120 million has been systematically raided by EH, there's no money to do the deal. The deal was structured by loans, mostly private funds. To say that CHC has over-leveraged is an understatement. Members, demand the management board to open the books on the Suntec dealings. You have every right to know the burden of debt you have to bear. One thing is for sure, the building fund raising will continue perpetually. Your money will only go to service debt. One thing will stop all the arise and build nonsense, CHC breaks under the weight of snowballing loans. All these, thanks to Chew Eng Han!
Innocent member of BBG, you have been hoodwinked by EH and all his lies too. Don't underestimate Kong. He is vicious and vengeful. He is preparing to embarrass EH big time, soon. How? Kong has a lot of dirt on EH too.
Don't get caught in the cross fire. Best still, don't take the bullet for EH, your confession here shows that you have already been played."
"Hi, I'm a member of Lawrence Khongs church Faith Community Baptist Church (FCBC), Singapore, having gone to the church for many years. I would like to apologise to all LGBT and the pain you have gone through. who would choose a life of discrimination and persecution ?I'm sorry that the church has not been a place of solace and peace to you. instead it has been a source of anguish and pain.
My heart ached when a friend in church came out to me recently and he told me that if there was a pill with a 1% chance of turning him straight and normal, and a 99% fatality rate he would gladly take it. I asked him why he wanted to change so badly and he told me about his many years of counselling with his parents, pastors and cell leaders to deal with it and that after 12 years, he had given up.
I'm sorry for all the hateful speech that my pastor has been preaching. No, your acts of affection to one another do not hurt heterosexual relationships. A committed monogamous homosexual relationship is much more admirable than a promiscuous girl in church. Would God hate us based on our skin colour or our gender ? what more our sexuality. I pray that you will find it in yourself to forgive us christians for being so fearful. Fearful of what we have so little understanding about, and of a people hidden away yet in plain sight.
I pray that you will forgive the church and that someday, everyone will come together to understand and love one another. Wasnt that the one thing that the entire law is summed up into?"
it came to our attention that GaySgConfessions has been making a call for users of Facebook to shut us down. let me tell u right now that We Are Against Pinkdot in Singapore is still alive and kicking.
You can call us haters but let me tell you we are not against gays, lesbian and transsexuals so long as you remain in your own space and live your own lives. We are against the PROMOTION of your immoral lifestyle and the Pink Dot Movement seeking to legalise and normalise it. Please be awarned that Singapore is still a pro-family conservative country and we the silent majority will not suffer your agenda! The support for our page and the fact that facebook has allowed us to be here shows that you are not always in the right. So know your limits and keep your propaganda to yourselves.
Thank you.
- Admins of We are against Pinkdot in Singapore
Chinese man kills toddler in row over parking: report
7:14 PM Thursday Jul 25, 2013
A Chinese man threw a two-year-old girl to the ground, killing her, after her mother apparently refused to make way for him to park his car, state media reported Thursday.
The man, identified only by his surname Han, wanted to park by a bus stop in Beijing but the woman would not move because she was checking on her daughter at the time, the Beijing Times said, citing a witness.
Han, in his 40s, emerged from his Hyundai Sonata and punched the woman before taking the toddler out of her pram, holding her up and flinging her "forcefully" to the ground, said the witness, a street stall owner surnamed Zhou.
"The baby made no noises after being flung to the ground, not even a cry of pain," the newspaper quoted Zhou as saying.
Another man came out of the car and also beat up the mother before the pair drove away, it added.
The mother rushed the girl to a nearby hospital where she was said to be in critical condition, the report said, but it added that she died while being transferred to another facility.
Police found Han, who was released from prison this year after serving a sentence for theft, in a hot spring bathhouse on Wednesday and detained him, said the report.
He could be charged with murder, the paper cited legal experts as saying, making him eligible for the death penalty under Chinese law.
Social tensions have been mounting in China in recent years against a backdrop of a widening income gap and abuses of public power.
BEIJING (AFP) - A man who murdered a pregnant woman in China to sell her corpse as a "ghost bride" has been executed, state media reported on Thursday.
Wang Hairong was put to death earlier this week, the Legal Daily said citing a court in Yan'an in the northern province of Shaanxi.
Wang and two accomplices persuaded a woman, identified only by her surname Luo, to accept a lift in their car in May 2011 and strangled her, the report said. She was pregnant at the time.
They drove to a nearby town and sold Ms Luo's body for 22,000 yuan (S$4,500) to a family as a bride for their dead son in a "ghost marriage", it said.
Car A (black) attempts to take revenge on Car B (dark red), but in his attempts, angers Car C (bright red), who now attempts to take revenge on Car A (black).
Medisave Minimum Sum versus Medisave Required Amount
It's pretty dumb to create two separate terms and conditions, the MMS and the MRA, when both are essentially saying the same thing, "you *must* have more than this amount in your Medisave".
Quote below from CPF website :
Medisave Minimum Sum
The Medisave Minimum Sum is the amount you need to retain in your Medisave Account, before any excess Medisave savings can be withdrawn, whenever you make a withdrawal of your CPF monies at age 55 and above. The Medisave Minimum Sum ensures you set aside enough savings to meet your future healthcare expenses, especially during old age. The Medisave Minimum Sum is $40,500 since 1 July 2013.
Medisave Required Amount
The Medisave Required Amount (MRA) refers to the amount you need to set aside in your Medisave Account after meeting the CPF Minimum Sum requirement. If you have met the CPF Minimum Sum and have a MRA shortfall at the point of withdrawal, you need to make a top-up to your Medisave Account with part of the balance from your Special Account and Ordinary Account to meet the current MRA.
Since 1 January 2013, the MRA is $38,500.
Article below (written several years ago; note that the MMS and the MRA have both increased significantly since then) taken from : http://mysingaporenews.blogspot.sg/2011/08/medisave-double-speak.htmlThe above is quoted from the CPF online site. How many of you understand what they mean? One point to note is ‘minimum’ which means that they can make you pay more than this, or take more money from you to be locked up. My Medisave saving is now more than the $36,000 minimum and growing. And this taking money from the people to be locked away, hopefully you have a beneficiary to pick them up when you are deleted, the money will go to the govt’s charity.
Read MRA above carefully. It said it is the amount to be set aside after meeting the Medisave Minimum Sum of $36k at this point in time, and this MRA to be set aside is $27.500. They could technically make a CPF depositor set aside $36k + $27,500 or $63,500, and growing every year.
How much money is kept away from the people by this scheme? At 36k per head, at 2m contributors, that is $72b! This is money that rightfully belongs to the people and must be returned to the people. Under the present scheme, even after 62 or 65, or 70, depending on how far the goal posts are shifted before you can get your monthly pittance from the CPF Dispensary, this money in the Medisave still cannot be touched. This is definitely a violation of human rights, when the people’s money is taken away from them, oh, ‘for the people’s good’, so they said.
Just for this reason alone, it is good enough to vote for another govt to make this withholding of the people’s life savings illegal. At the moment it is legal because the people voted them to Parliament to make this legal. How silly can the people be to vote a govt to take their life savings away from them when they need it?
There are many other things that are legal today that should be made illegal by a govt of the people and for the people. I am waiting and will definitely vote for another govt that will make these illegal and return the money to the people.
Why vote for a President to protect a reserve that we do not know? The people should be voting for a President or govt to protect their life savings in their CPF, to be returned to them when they need it, to be returned to them when they are alive, and not when they are dead.
What is the point of going for a heart by pass at 70 or 80 because one has some money in the Medisave, to be kept alive and penniless in old age? Would it be better to spend the money, enjoy a bit of life, and just let old age and the wear and tear of the body take one’s life away, and live more comfortably, even be an emperor for a few days with one’s own hard earn money?
2 men 1 woman criminal team coordinate to steal wallets in Malaysia's shopping malls.
STOMPer Andie says a taxi driver he flagged down but whose cab he did not board had followed him home from Boon Lay to Jalan Kayu, and told his family to 'watch out'. The cabby thought that Andie had made a rude gesture at him.
The incident occurred yesterday night (Jul 28). Andie added that did not board the taxi after flagging it down, as the cabby had stopped too far away and refused to approach them.
In a phone conversation with STOMP, Andie said:
"I would like to lodge a complain against the taxi driver SH 9493 J, a Chinese male.
"I flagged down his taxi on July 28, Sunday at 9pm, at Boon Lay Shopping Centre.
"Instead of stopping in front of me and my wife who was carrying my two year old son (our hands were also full from carrying some stuff), he stopped five to seven metres before us.
"So I flagged him down again and pointed my finger to him, to indicate that I was flagging him down.
"Instead he ignored me, showed me a 'what?' hand signal, and expected me and my wife to approach the cab instead.
"I gestured to him that I did not want to board his cab and proceeded to flag down another passing cab.
"When I arrived at my destination, Jalan Kayu, I realised to my horror that the taxi driver had actually followed me all the way from Jurong (Boon Lay) to Jalan Kayu. It was a 30-minute journey.
"The moment I got out of my taxi, he walked towards me and asked me in a rude and hooligan manner, "You point middle finger at me?"
"I replied that I did not, and told him that if he needed anything else, he could look for me on the fourth storey.
"Before leaving, he told me to 'WATCH OUT!'.
"My wife can vouch for this possible intention to take hostile action against us. He then proceeded to make a phone call in Hokkien.
"I made a police report as soon as I got home and managed to take a photo of the taxi.
"I later found out from my brother, who I was with when I flagged down the cab but did not board with us, that the taxi driver had changed his signal from green to busy after he saw my family and I getting into the other cab.
"The safety of my family is being compromised as I type this email after the threat given by the taxi driver.
"I hope this act of hooliganism and ill-mannered attitude can be eradicated. With that, I hope disciplinary actions will be taken against the said taxi driver."
The unsolved (and ongoing) medical case of little girl Brianna
Watch from 1:50 to 2:10
Japan's Got Talent performance
Shaolin monk Mountain Dew advertisement :
This article was contributed by the STOMP Team.
An eight-year-old girl in China was forced by her father to do her homework on her knees on a scorching hot pavement, at a time when temperatures in Shanghai are hovering above 39 degrees Celsius.
The incident reportedly occurred on the morning of July 25 at a factory at No.23, 185 Lane, Hongxing Road in Pudong Chuansha.
According to a report in the Shanghai Morning Post, the girl, dressed in a pink T-shirt, had been forced to kneel for over three hours. She had been too afraid of her father to stand up.
The girl had been spotted by a netizen, who snapped a photo and put it online, accusing the girl's father of corporal punishment.
At the time, the temperature of the ground was close to 50 degrees. The girl's head was bathed in sweat, having been forced to kneel from 8:30am to 11:30am when she was finally permitted to stand by her father.
Passersby approached her to get her on her feet, but she said that she was too afraid of her father to do so. She was being punished for poor grades in school and failing to complete her homework on time.
Asked if he was concerned for his daughter's health, the girl's father had answered confidently that she could take it, before chasing people away from where she was being punished.