I heard that in many of the top JCs, half of their cohorts are scoring 4 H2 As, and about 20-30% of the cohort scored 90 rank points. It's amazing how so many students nowadays are scoring straight As.
My question is, given the sheer number of straight A students, wouldn't competitive Uni Course (Law, Medicine etc.) take into consideration a students non-academic achievements (CCA Leaders, Student Leaders, CIP, Special Programmes etc.) even more so than before ??
Exactly how important is a student's testimonial & portfolio to get them into their desired courses?
If you don't have excellent testimonial & portfolio, is it impossible to enter competitive courses no matter how well you do??
PS. I'm from a relatively good JC, but I barely had any leadership positions or opportunities - my portfolio is kinda crappy (nothing special inside). I really wanna know whether my opportunities are capped & limited because of my lack of non-academic achievements.
Thank You
"i heard.........."
tts enough.
Just be yourself and show the sincerity to do the course of your choice. Most importantly, affirm that you are not typical but a unique individual with the potential to excel in everything you set your heart to do.
Wen Shih