Attack of the Sexpat Bloggers!Expat sex bloggers are driving Asia crazy and making us wonder: Why aren't we getting any?Hot on the heels of the creepy John Mark Karr episode, a pair of bloggers is making sure Asians can't stop cringeing. In Bangkok,
"Morally Diminished" tracks a Brit's sexual adventures with Thai women, whose naked pictures he posts under the enthusiastic headline "Yes!" Meanwhile, Chinabounder, an English teacher who blogs his conquests at
"Sex and Shanghai", may have gotten lucky with girls, but not with the masses:
An outraged psychology professor is
leading a movement to unmask him and expel him from the country. While it's easy to get furious about all this Internet misogyny, there's a bigger issue at stake here: namely, where are all the sex blogs of foreign expats living in the United States? Surely there's gotta be some buff Indian programmer banging Cali girls in Silicon Valley, or a Thai graphic designer whose Manhattan hookups would be
hot Blogspot fodder. Because if America still leads the world in anything, it has to be s l u ttiness.
Alas, Joe Francis of "Girls Gone Wild" currently dominates that scene, but if we've learned anything from the past three decades of industrial development, it's that Asians can do it all better, cheaper, and more efficiently (cf. Toyota, Lenovo,
Hitachi Magic Wand). Come on, Asian bloggers, it's time to make better use of those H1-B's! We're sexy, easy, and Wifi-enabled, too!