so yeah...
help me wif my graduation speech and presentation of stupid animal abuse
dis thread will oso b a hwk thread for us to post questions we dunno!
down wif hwk forum!
with regards to animal abuse presentation, did ur teacher said wat he/she will be looking out for..
no, she is fat pig who wants animal right for herself.. so she made us do a presentation on animal abuse. just like dat..
so in other words, its a presentation meant to educate people on animal abuse & how to stop it rite..
yeah. must be. so can help? contact me in msn if u wan as well
you are involved in the graduation?
no way.. i'm too gd to be involve in any sch activities.
teacher just want ask to do speech writing.
klar klar.
later i cope wad the person saying... now help me wif my CME animal.
just use the search engine to help you with the research part of the animal abuse lor, find some pics, info, blah blah blah..
ppt slide?
yar... but i dunnoe how to do the format.
like ppt 1 den put wad. ppt 2 put wad. ppt3 put wad. etc. etc.
just have a picture slide then describe , easiest
kenn3th help me do ?
sry, after o levels can?
before you do your ppt, you need to do a draft 1st & this really helps..
if you wanna explore the full potentials of wat ppt can do for you, kindly visit the nearest library to borrow books related to ppt..
wahliew. 2moro hand up. and she oni let us complete it within 1 week. like as if we are not bz wif tests like that..
that means she don't need a detailed ppt lah, just simple enough to bring out the msg of stopping animal abuse..
beastilty acts considered as animals abuse or brining pleasure to animals ??
Originally posted by yong93:beastilty acts considered as animals abuse or brining pleasure to animals ??
depends on how beastilty in your terms..
Originally posted by QX179R:depends on how beastilty in your terms..
you know wad i mean :D
its high time that you cut down watching those kind of stuffs..
ZzZ my fwen was sharing this in canteen today about new zealands doing sheep when i'm eating vegetarian mutton soup :D
my goodness..
we share loads of craps during recess like last week topic ...
cuz ppl mention thrs seventhrple kids in the sch nxt to me ....
7 babys come out at around same time ...
then we link to the lowest age of having baby cuz tt day we were having sex education on baby planning and say if everyone in your family give birth at 8 and 7 at a time , the whole singapore will be your family in 100 years ... :D