will daisuke be too chicken to not reply here? stay tuned..
no i'm not but i'm having 2nd thoughts though
Originally posted by Daisuke-kun:no i'm not but i'm having 2nd thoughts though
ok.. answer reveled..
why did daisuke cross the road.. - cause he's chickened out before her reply.
All the best, and do remember to tell us the result.
Originally posted by kenn3th:
ok.. answer reveled..
why did daisuke cross the road.. - cause he's chickened out before her reply.
cause i'm tinking...
will taking her number result in a relationship
will a relationship where 1 live in the west while the other live in the east last?
all those questions starting to pop out
take number only lah.
not like you getting married -.-
klar klar
i ask lar i ask lar
Originally posted by Daisuke-kun:cause i'm tinking...
will taking her number result in a relationship
will a relationship where 1 live in the west while the other live in the east last?
all those questions starting to pop out
.. love has no boundaries..
if u wonder so much, that ain love.
its juz a crush..
if daisuke doesn't want her, maybe can intro me..
aiyoo. QX.. will intro you.. one..
yes.. like what we did to 7484..
then wat was the ending..
he was like.. afk after seeing the blog..
gtg nites.
means no nice lah must be..
ok, sat liao..
so wats the outcome - accepted or rejected..
Originally posted by QX179R:means no nice lah must be..
means nice.. until he stare at the screen.
Originally posted by QX179R:ok, sat liao..
so wats the outcome - accepted or rejected..
too chicken to reply
ok, i backed out last minute to ask
fat bitch was sticking near her all the way.
no oppurtunity
LOL i knew it lor
yarlar yarlar
help me ask leh?
lol i dont even know her
the fat bitch is related to her ?
nvm i try to ask her next week.
must take down the huge barrier blocking us first
later next week deja vu
now i must pray the fatty would sit at the other side instead of my side.