well, it had to happen eventually...
somehow, kodachrome gave the depth which is effing hard to get with digital..
"They give us those nice bright colors. They give us the greens of summers. Makes you think all the world's a sunny day. ... So Mama don't take my Kodachrome away."
Some photos taken with the kodachrome, I would agree with you, it's hard to get with digital. Hehehe.
Ehh, they call it progress.
Once digital hit 8 megapixels, 35mm was going the way of the dodo. Hell, my 5D would kill anything short of a medium-format camera in the film department.
Kodak took a step in the right direction hooking up with Olympus on the Four-Thirds system. Why they haven't taken that any further is beyond me.
Nice to know folks still remember their Simon and Garfunkel, I7. The first thing that popped into mind when I read the title was, "When I think back about the crap I learned in high school, it's a wonder I can think at all".