Shopping malls can take photos or videos? That page,, is largely not in topic.
Can, why cannot? Otherwise those celebrities go and make appearance there, fans all can no need bring their hp and cameras already.
got tourists (and marias) taking pictures at LV at ion.
securities checking all the time. fine of there's an event going on and people with pns dslr and hp cams shooting at subjects of interest and within the even ground why not? but you try to just walk around and take photos at any shops and walk in take their items photos without asking, courtesy getting permission, worse snap at the shop attendents faces wihtout asking or permission they have the right to call security, take legal actions agnst you if they chose to. the shop owners who knows you might be wokring for their competitor, anyway it snot right not courteous to just snap and shoot at people, in the streets esp close up. differnt people might have differnt reaction to that. simsilarly ome photographers also won't like it if people purposely nd intentionally come in between your subjects or disrupt their work INTENTIONALLY.
so such photogrpahery generallyy takes some common sense, EQ, thinking and courtesy. Know you limits and when to withdraw from a situation when it arise.