It's around 1cm long, by the way.
I sort of flattened it when I found it crawling around my house some time ago.
looks like dessert
haha its a whip previous house got alot alot of these during the hot weather...but i fed them to my arowana...
Originally posted by Master -_-:haha its a whip previous house got alot alot of these during the hot weather...but i fed them to my arowana...
Eww. Disgusting!
I hope they don't have a nest somewhere, cos I've never seen this creepy THING in my house before!
hire a pest controller..
Originally posted by MooKu:Eww. Disgusting!
I hope they don't have a nest somewhere, cos I've never seen this creepy THING in my house before!
ooh they surely have a nest..they aren't nomadic creatures...but it will be quite hard to find it..
Maybe the nest not in my house.
No need to call in a pest controller lar, there's only one of them. If I see one more and another, then maybe the nest is in my house loh. Then I will call for help.
nvr see b4 .. but it doesn't really look like a scorpion la..
They say, for every one of those things you see, there are 200 more waiting somewhere nearby.
Look quite cool what
Keep as a pet :P
its a hyrid of ant & scorpion.. haa