its silly to believe in these type of religions. every religion all espouse their own propaganda and beliefs. the state should be secular. if not its quite unfair to other religions.
If the state is secular, which other religion are you refering to?
if you dun believe in god, then why believe satan?
lucky I am not into these type of beliefs.
Well, to each his own. Some chose to believe in GOD, others don't.
their beliefs are too simple and stories are hard to believe?
example, god created the earth in 6 days? how can that be possible?
building even a single storey can take even months
Nothing is surprising in religious teachings these days. If GOD is forgiving, he can also condemn his worshippers to hell? As I've said, it's up to the individuals to choose what suits them as long as they do not impose harm to themselves and others. We can believe, but it should not be obsessive idol worshipping. No matter who we pray to, it is ultimately ourselves who makes our own destiny.
if today is 2000 years ago where science and technology are primitive and almost non existence, beliefs like this are popular with the masses especially the illiterate. all they know is to pray worship to god to bring them to heaven after they die. no need to do soul searching or analysis. people back then believe the earth is flat, not round.
but today is not 2000 years ago. we have already debunked the myth of chang er of the moon, that earth was round and not square and natural diasters are not acts of god, but mother nature and its power. modern science and technology has improved our lives and debunked all these beliefs and stories.
I am not saying science and technology are the be-all and end-all, but at least they are better than those grandmother stories, like chang er living in the moon lol. or pointing to the moon will make you grow a horn in your head has revealed that our earth is at least a few billion years old. how can even mother nature create a planet in a mere 6 days?
some people will say, if there is no god, how are the things all go into clockwork accuracy, like the 4 seasons, natural disasters and so forth.
as mentioned, its mother nature, not any divine being in activation of all these things. comets are fragments of large rocks from dying stars, hurling in spaces travelling in great speed. there are no god to make them travel from one place to another in the universe.
LOL. Tell that a church full of people and a temple full of worshippers and you'll get your explainations.
the problem with religions are, they are the beliefs of ancient people, who are not advanced in their thinking, where science and technology are primitive and ancient. this is how they spread and transmit from generations to generations thru millenias.
modern people should use their knowledge and analysis to think and delve deeper than that, instead of using blind faith.
Quote: Myth only became a reality when it was embodied in cult, rituals, and ceremonies which worked aesthetically upon worshipers, evoking within them a sense of sacred significance and enabling them to apprehend the deeper currents of existence. Myth and cult were so inseparable that it is a matter of scholarly debate which came first: the mythical narrative or the rituals attached to it.
another quote:
Myth was regarded as primary; it was concerned with what was thought to be timeless and constant in our existence. Myth looked back to the origins of life, to the foundations of culture, and to the deepest levels of the human mind. Myth was not concerned with practical matters, but with meaning. Unless we find some significance in our lives, we mortal men and women fall very easily into despair. The mythos of a society provided people with a context that made sense of their day-to-day lives; it directed their attention to the eternal and the universal. It was also rooted in what we would call the unconscious mind. The various mythological stories, which were not intended to be taken literally, were an ancient form of psychology. When people told stories about heroes who descended into the underworld, struggled through labyrinths, or fought with monsters, they were bringing to light the obscure regions of the subconscious realm, which is not accessible to purely rational investigation, but which has a profound effect upon our experience and behavior. Because of the dearth of myth in our modern society, we have had to evolve the science of psychoanalysis to help us to deal with our inner world.