HOT! Listen to Jason Ling's Music now!
if locked, it means:
- thread failed its function. no reason to keep it going.
- intense flaming and other undesirable comments detected/reported. forumites ownselves upsetted the rights to continue posting in the thread.
- opened by a troll / trolling detected.
- surveys. we let u reach out to our community for ur whatever school project but we hope u do hang around and be part of this community too.
if disappeared, it means:
- got existing thread liao, u dumbbloke. do a search. probably in the same forum or other more appropriate forum
- you have opened a thread before. so dun repeat/repost, u dumbbloke. dun waste webspace.
- moved to appropriate forum (why the fark u can't post in the right forum in the 1st place?)
- inappropriate content (u can be banned too!)
- unauthorised advertising. dun cheapo, want to advertise, pls contact Jason and sign up for our advertising package. (link at the bottom of every page)
- rage spamming. ok, u got conned into buying some useless yet supra expensive vacuum cleaner or water purifier; someone snatched ur parking lot; u ate lousy food but paid exorbitant prices. we welcome u to join our community to discuss ur sad happenings but we do not like you to register across 50 local forums u googled to just spam ur displeasure serial one night stand style.
- all kinds of spam, irrelevant post-fillers
- spreading false, unverified or malicious information
failure to adhere to any or the above will result in ban after 3 occurences
applies to anchor forums and sub-forums
all stated clearly above. mai PM me.