For all those people think it's a science fiction or hollywood movie...think deeper from sumerian tablets to mayan ancient sources..our gods are ETs?
And are they coming back in 2012 to claim us who are their lost hybrid slaves? Look at this documentary and go figure the true garden of eden!
so many different things about 2012. 1st the nibiru shit dick and then alien god's dick. i bet next is 2012 rain niggers and indians.
siao liao, people thinking every next year that theres something happening to dem >_>
All this hype started just because the mayans changed their "World may end every 52 years" calendar into the long count calendar, which predicts that the world would end every 5125 years. And the lucky date? 21st December, 2012.
Throw in a few suspicious people, the fact that it is also in modern notation, and the fact that the same day, it is the start of the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, you get all sorts of crazy ideas of how the world will end.
Though I must say, if there is a substantial number of people who believes it, how many people will be willing to work when the date draws closer? Who will be harvesting the fields, and maintaining the buildings? How many will rush off to purchase storable food in preparation for what they perceive to be the end of the world? Would the world be able to sustain itself then?
Well aren't all the recent events unfolded the clear signs that our world is coming to an end ??
21st Nov 2012.
At least we can all die with our loved ones.
i think the Predators are our god (Alien VS Predator)
You watch too much movies , read too much sci fic
i wan seee
I think the coming avatar by james cameron showcase how science fiction and reality are getting closer.
It really a vicious cycle..alien gods come to our planet screw and plunder us and we in turn become gods and screw and plunder other planets
Thnks Catknight......very provocative clip, I would say.
I read a non fiction book written by Zechria Sitchin about this story before. In the book, there was a part about about Golan Height, not being natural but artificially created, to be a space craft landing site for the aliens. The frightening thing was that he could produce evidence to back what he said.
Somehow, the ancient Sumeria carving and the story of alien visitors never go away or never fully verified.
Here another related, interesting clip
Dude Planet Niberu is fake, I thought they cleared out this mess a long time ago ?
Zechariah Sitchen's 1st book was known as the 12th Planet, published in 1975. Since then, he had authored several books on what he termed it as Earth Chronicles.
It was rather authoritative, as Sitchen is a man of science himself, an archeologist, and could decipher the sumerian tablets, even bringing a totally new modern interpretation of what the tablets meant. Till today, no one could dispute his hypothesis, for the sumerian language could mean one thing by someone, and another term for others.
Rather than to dwell on the mythological aspects of the ancient writings which most linguist define it as such, Sitchen instead used archeological evidences to back up his hypothesis, of an advanced ancient civilisation that ruled Earth, 360,.000 years ago.
His evidences were overwhelming, but indisputable as modern science caught up with ancient knowledge, such as cloning, dna, space stations, nuclear holocast, environmental disaster such as the great flood.
To me, his works carries the best scholarly answers to our origins. I would greatly recommend others to read his entire works with an open mind - not to believe, but to consider - on our origins.
As for 2012, there wasnt any mention of it in the sumerian tablets. Niburu is only a name for the homeworld found in the ancient tablet, that was suppose to come close to Earth every 3,600 years.
Observatories had been set up to search for this unknown planet. There were reports of its existance but yet no final confirmation of Niburu, currently known as planet X, for no astromer had registered its existence and given the priviledge to name it.
However, the question on our origins remain. Certainly we came from intelligent creation, and not some random big bang or darwinist theory, but .....who and what.....?
Have you every thought of the works of supernatural being. Not saying that I'm superstitious, but there must be something that is responsible for what human beings are now. Why are we only able to live on Planet Earth but not other planets ? Why do we have such intellect ?
Originally posted by ƒlame:Have you every thought of the works of supernatural being. Not saying that I'm superstitious, but there must be something that is responsible for what human beings are now. Why are we only able to live on Planet Earth but not other planets ? Why do we have such intellect ?
The truth is still unravelling, Flame.
That is why I THINK that human beings will be asking for death if we were to explore pass the limits of what some identity had placed upon us.
2012 I am pretty sure people will still be arguing in Speaker's Corner and saying the government sucks. Come to think of it, if Aliens invaded us, it must be a conspriracy between the government and them
Originally posted by gasband:2012 I am pretty sure people will still be arguing in Speaker's Corner and saying the government sucks. Come to think of it, if Aliens invaded us, it must be a conspriracy between the government and them
This is all scripted dude... LOL a conspiracy worldwide...
Originally posted by ƒlame:That is why I THINK that human beings will be asking for death if we were to explore pass the limits of what some identity had placed upon us.
Relax, I don't think this thread is, anyway, hardcore debute about alien, supernatural being, god etc.
As xtreyier said, Zacharia Sitchin is a scholar. He spent his whole life researching and diciphering the sumerian tablets and many people respect him for it.
The real truth, as I said, it's still out there.
Originally posted by 4sg:
Relax, I don't think this thread is, anyway, hardcore debute about alien, supernatural being, god etc.
As xtreyier said, Zacharia Sitchin is a scholar. He spent his whole life researching and diciphering the sumerian tablets and many people respect him for it.
The real truth, as I said, it's still out there.
Human beings are such interesting creatures
Origins of our modern human species always bother seems we are split somewhere between earth and the stars beyond..the evolutionary leap from primitive hunting species to a cultured high tech one is too short...indeed we are made in the image of our ET masters thru genetic engineering
Maybe one day we will know our true orgins , till then it 's all speculation hopefully we do not in turn become in future Alien gods ourselves and impose our way of life on other planets .