hey, i am new to this forum, so anything pls guide me through. thanks.
okay, being a student in a rather good school in singapore, i cant help it but feel astonished about the inappropriate behavior that teachers display. These behaviors are totally unreasonable and childish in my eyes, from a perspective of a student. therefore, i would like to see how you people feel about this controversial topic. " Because i am a teacher"
In the school rules, it is stated that, " shirts must be tucked in, no wearing of coloured shoes/ inappropraite footwear, no ankle socks and etc" therefore, these rules, if not abided, students will be punished. but in contrary, what if teacher breaks them. teachers march in the school with ankle socks and coloured shoes, brown hair, striking ear piercings, and shirts untucked. I know that this isnt wrong. But the question is, is it right. things that teachers can do and students cant, are they right? yes, students may argue, but we often find ourselves cornered in an arguement when it comes to their rights. " because i am a teacher." so this is kind of example that we're suppose to look up to? I say no. i say teachers, are like police. police do not have to right to break the law, unless it falls under the section of general exceptions in the penal code. but that doesnt give them the right to kill and etc. therefore, the arguement is now, we, students are suppose to follow the teachers (supposingly role models), and break the school rules? or are we supposed to practice self disclipline, and do not follow the teachers. Though there are of course other means, which is to alter the school rules or perhaps punishing the teachers? they are the teachers of singapore futures. they are the parents of singapore's fruits. and this is what they doing? i don think so, not quite a bit. its been always the students and the pupils. for once, make this the teacher. make it right. if such behavior does not stop, what will it lead to. students would do this in the FUTURE! they would do this because they are what they are! they are what they're taught! students now have this social stigma that is preventing them to excel in school because of what they're facing! this is becoming the key to singapore's failure in nurturing out their successors.
So, Make it Right. netizens, i am shouting out to all adults, to stand up. for your children in school facing such treatmeant. the abuse of power. god, whats next? corruption of our money? taking disclipine actions which includes coporal punishment? make it right people. make it right adults.
our system is not developed as the western education systems where students and teachers engage in a meaningful relationship. over here. *tsk
students are like customers (buyers), teachers are like sellers.
so, you have the right to make a complaint.
simple as that.
Regards to the above replies,
"our system is not developed as the western education systems where students and teachers engage in a meaningful relationship. over here. *tsk"
"students are like customers (buyers), teachers are like sellers.
so, you have the right to make a complaint.
simple as that."
so what if we complain. are you sure that we would not receive prejudiced treatment in future even if we get things our way as for this issues? are you sure things would not get personal? indeed, alot of things in singapore is just not like in the other countries, but youre just gonna leave it like that? students are suffering under that absurb requirement that is imposed on them and not on teachers. uhh, i made my point in the main post. just think its not right. not right.
complaint to moe and not your principal
Originally posted by alston_79:hey, i am new to this forum, so anything pls guide me through. thanks.
okay, being a student in a rather good school in singapore, i cant help it but feel astonished about the inappropriate behavior that teachers display. These behaviors are totally unreasonable and childish in my eyes, from a perspective of a student. therefore, i would like to see how you people feel about this controversial topic. " Because i am a teacher"
In the school rules, it is stated that, " shirts must be tucked in, no wearing of coloured shoes/ inappropraite footwear, no ankle socks and etc" therefore, these rules, if not abided, students will be punished. but in contrary, what if teacher breaks them. teachers march in the school with ankle socks and coloured shoes, brown hair, striking ear piercings, and shirts untucked. I know that this isnt wrong. But the question is, is it right. things that teachers can do and students cant, are they right? yes, students may argue, but we often find ourselves cornered in an arguement when it comes to their rights. " because i am a teacher." so this is kind of example that we're suppose to look up to? I say no. i say teachers, are like police. police do not have to right to break the law, unless it falls under the section of general exceptions in the penal code. but that doesnt give them the right to kill and etc. therefore, the arguement is now, we, students are suppose to follow the teachers (supposingly role models), and break the school rules? or are we supposed to practice self disclipline, and do not follow the teachers. Though there are of course other means, which is to alter the school rules or perhaps punishing the teachers? they are the teachers of singapore futures. they are the parents of singapore's fruits. and this is what they doing? i don think so, not quite a bit. its been always the students and the pupils. for once, make this the teacher. make it right. if such behavior does not stop, what will it lead to. students would do this in the FUTURE! they would do this because they are what they are! they are what they're taught! students now have this social stigma that is preventing them to excel in school because of what they're facing! this is becoming the key to singapore's failure in nurturing out their successors.
So, Make it Right. netizens, i am shouting out to all adults, to stand up. for your children in school facing such treatmeant. the abuse of power. god, whats next? corruption of our money? taking disclipine actions which includes coporal punishment? make it right people. make it right adults.
and adults are allowed to drink and watch R21 shows while kids aren't allowed to. Society has always been set up in such a way where the kids are deprived of certain things to either protect or educate them.
Is that what you're advocating against?
are those things that i have listed rated dangerous? or is there something worth educating in regards dress code. well, these " education" just goes away when we grow up, when we become teachers. so whats the point? and for the record, porn and drinking has potential harms which can hinder our growing process. our gastric cant take alcohol and our balls cant take porn. thats why right?
Originally posted by alston_79:are those things that i have listed rated dangerous? or is there something worth educating in regards dress code. well, these " education" just goes away when we grow up, when we become teachers. so whats the point? and for the record, porn and drinking has potential harms which can hinder our growing process. our gastric cant take alcohol and our balls cant take porn. thats why right?
I said to protect or to educate. I assume you are joking for the last 3 sentences?
Originally posted by alston_79:hey, i am new to this forum, so anything pls guide me through. thanks.
okay, being a student in a rather good school in singapore, i cant help it but feel astonished about the inappropriate behavior that teachers display. These behaviors are totally unreasonable and childish in my eyes, from a perspective of a student. therefore, i would like to see how you people feel about this controversial topic. " Because i am a teacher"
In the school rules, it is stated that, " shirts must be tucked in, no wearing of coloured shoes/ inappropraite footwear, no ankle socks and etc" therefore, these rules, if not abided, students will be punished. but in contrary, what if teacher breaks them. teachers march in the school with ankle socks and coloured shoes, brown hair, striking ear piercings, and shirts untucked. I know that this isnt wrong. But the question is, is it right. things that teachers can do and students cant, are they right? yes, students may argue, but we often find ourselves cornered in an arguement when it comes to their rights. " because i am a teacher." so this is kind of example that we're suppose to look up to? I say no. i say teachers, are like police. police do not have to right to break the law, unless it falls under the section of general exceptions in the penal code. but that doesnt give them the right to kill and etc. therefore, the arguement is now, we, students are suppose to follow the teachers (supposingly role models), and break the school rules? or are we supposed to practice self disclipline, and do not follow the teachers. Though there are of course other means, which is to alter the school rules or perhaps punishing the teachers? they are the teachers of singapore futures. they are the parents of singapore's fruits. and this is what they doing? i don think so, not quite a bit. its been always the students and the pupils. for once, make this the teacher. make it right. if such behavior does not stop, what will it lead to. students would do this in the FUTURE! they would do this because they are what they are! they are what they're taught! students now have this social stigma that is preventing them to excel in school because of what they're facing! this is becoming the key to singapore's failure in nurturing out their successors.
So, Make it Right. netizens, i am shouting out to all adults, to stand up. for your children in school facing such treatmeant. the abuse of power. god, whats next? corruption of our money? taking disclipine actions which includes coporal punishment? make it right people. make it right adults.
...seriously, there's much more things in life worth fighting for as compared to the freedom to wear ankle-length socks. I suggest that you take a screenshot of your post and burn it onto a DVD-R. Then take a look at it 5 years later and have a good laugh.
that's authority, even if it sounds undesirable...when you become a parent and your 3 year refuses to sleep early or eat his greens and points to you doing the same, trust me, you'll be saying,'' i can because i'm your father...".....
Originally posted by alston_79:Regards to the above replies,
"our system is not developed as the western education systems where students and teachers engage in a meaningful relationship. over here. *tsk"
"students are like customers (buyers), teachers are like sellers.
so, you have the right to make a complaint.
simple as that."
so what if we complain. are you sure that we would not receive prejudiced treatment in future even if we get things our way as for this issues? are you sure things would not get personal? indeed, alot of things in singapore is just not like in the other countries, but youre just gonna leave it like that? students are suffering under that absurb requirement that is imposed on them and not on teachers. uhh, i made my point in the main post. just think its not right. not right.
Okay, just how old are you?
The way you put things, it's almost as though you're placed in a federal Supermax prison or something. Get real. You are a student. Some of your rights are curtailed for a reason, the foremost being the need to inculcate a sense of discipline within you.
You can wax lyrical all you want about how discipline curtails creativity, but in the end, we all need it. Even the most creative geniuses of all time needed discipline to pull off their works of art.
If this is your attitude towards discipline in the education system, then I seriously wonder how you'll fare in the army. Good luck to you.
2 words "suck thumb"
kananbu school going to repoen go school study lah.
Because I'm a teacher? Why TS didn't think of "Because U all are student"?
It's actually meant to be that way, not because a teacher is onmi-potent or godlike, but teachers can do stuff student can't is because, students are students...
A teenager kid and and adult drinking alcohol outside... Who is in the wrong? U wouldn't know if the adult is a teacher but it's definately wrong for a minor to drink...
Might I add more? Not all school requires teachers to abide by their clothing rule... Teachers aren't required to wear uniform u know... It's kinda like comparing a penquin and a cat and expecting both to be able to grow in the same environment... But I guess you're still young, perhaps u'll understand when u go thru ur national service... It's just like a boss and a worker... The boss is allowed access to the safe box while the worker doesn't, even if they work in the same company and in the same department...
I just wonder how he'll fare in the army....
'How come the CO can suka-suka walk around in camp like it's his own house whereas we have to march from point to point?'
Originally posted by alston_79:hey, i am new to this forum, so anything pls guide me through. thanks.
okay, being a student in a rather good school in singapore, i cant help it but feel astonished about the inappropriate behavior that teachers display. These behaviors are totally unreasonable and childish in my eyes, from a perspective of a student. therefore, i would like to see how you people feel about this controversial topic. " Because i am a teacher"
In the school rules, it is stated that, " shirts must be tucked in, no wearing of coloured shoes/ inappropraite footwear, no ankle socks and etc" therefore, these rules, if not abided, students will be punished. but in contrary, what if teacher breaks them. teachers march in the school with ankle socks and coloured shoes, brown hair, striking ear piercings, and shirts untucked. I know that this isnt wrong. But the question is, is it right. things that teachers can do and students cant, are they right? yes, students may argue, but we often find ourselves cornered in an arguement when it comes to their rights. " because i am a teacher." so this is kind of example that we're suppose to look up to? I say no. i say teachers, are like police. police do not have to right to break the law, unless it falls under the section of general exceptions in the penal code. but that doesnt give them the right to kill and etc. therefore, the arguement is now, we, students are suppose to follow the teachers (supposingly role models), and break the school rules? or are we supposed to practice self disclipline, and do not follow the teachers. Though there are of course other means, which is to alter the school rules or perhaps punishing the teachers? they are the teachers of singapore futures. they are the parents of singapore's fruits. and this is what they doing? i don think so, not quite a bit. its been always the students and the pupils. for once, make this the teacher. make it right. if such behavior does not stop, what will it lead to. students would do this in the FUTURE! they would do this because they are what they are! they are what they're taught! students now have this social stigma that is preventing them to excel in school because of what they're facing! this is becoming the key to singapore's failure in nurturing out their successors.
So, Make it Right. netizens, i am shouting out to all adults, to stand up. for your children in school facing such treatmeant. the abuse of power. god, whats next? corruption of our money? taking disclipine actions which includes coporal punishment? make it right people. make it right adults.
Looking at management perspective: The teachers' dress codes are taken care by the respective principal and HOD. So you students just have to follow the school rules which take care of you.
Looking at fashion and style perspective: You have to dress and look what a school student intend to look. So you can fit the whole image. IT IS STYLE, you know!
In any case, you can always quit school.
Sometimes, even if the teacher breaks the rules, it does not mean that you have to as well, despite the fact that they are *role models*.
A simple example - just because your relative smokes, does it mean you have to follow in his/her example and commit the same mistake as well?
And Singaporean teachers are far from being role models - which I do not blame them for. Like any other profession, teaching is a job. Granted that teachers very often play a crucial role in sculpting the students' character, it cannot be denied that the parents very often place responsibilities far to heavy for a teacher to handle. A teacher has to look after 20-30 students - as far as I'm concerned, it is already difficult enough to ensure a single child is well brought up.
I believe that your entire argument revolves around the conclusion that teachers are the mothers/saints that hold the responsibility of inculcating proper values - hence the deduction that "they are the teachers of singapore futures. they are the parents of singapore's fruits". That is false.
I am a student myself, going on to jc1 next year. I completely understand how frustrating it can be when a teacher plays the card of them "being teachers". However, role models are for you to decide; not determined simply because societal standards dictates so. Your role model can be as humble a person as the old man who lives next door, or even your siblings. It should not be a teacher just because the school expects them to be.
Character wise, I do not expect a saint of a teacher. However, the flaws should not compromise their ability to teach, which is their primary purpose in the education system. Should their inaptitude (character, knowledge of syllabus or otherwise) affect my studies, it would then be valid for the issue to be raised.
Strict dress codes in school are pretty idiotic to begin with.
Always amazes me how an entire country will tell their kids from young on that they are nothing special, just ordinary and they have no creativity.
Because yes. thats what uniforms do to children if you just let them wear them. They will feel like everyone else, no individuality.
So later on you just create more people who always need to ask someone for permission to do something, ask for advice, too afraid to stand up for themselfs, makes excuses to why their life is perfect although its not etc. etc.
Obviously wearing uniforms does not do this by itself... but its a start since it happens in the childhood.
And the entire: "do this because I am your father" "do this because I am your teacher"..... thats the worst stuff ever.. seriously listen to yourselfs... don't you realize that your only doing this because someone DID THIS TO YOU? You followed some rule when your a child, like wearing uniforms.. so you MAKE your children do the same stuff again and again and you don't even know WHY.. just because someone TOLD YOU to do it a long time ago and you use the EXACT same reasoning someone gave to you when you were young.
So your children will do it to someone AGAIN to someone when they are old... you will NEVER progress or grow AT ALL. Sigh k thats a bit off topic but its an even bigger problem, but don't worry.. that problem exists world wide to some extend.
Man I hope that one day people will wake up.... not just to uniforms, but to everything.
That is not bad enough. To make it worse, there are even teachers who push the blame ons tudents the moment anything goes wrong, and put up an act that they are right and as though nothing happened. It happened to me once with this teacher which I hate. I posted about him here before in a topic, but i had to remove it in case he sees it as he has this habit of approaching students who offend him.
okay. i am getting response that are so. sharp. okay, maybe the way i think is wrong and stuff, but what you all are supporting in, does that means its right? *btw, i know wheres the limit, as for army, i am quite well informed about life in there cause my mum works in a barrarcks. so thanks for the concern of some of you all.
and people, relax. its just a forum post, i am not going out for a petition and rallying for student's rights, neither rioting is informed. its virtual.
I bet u havent kena the "I am the PM, the president, the MP, the PAP member, the elite" part yet.....
Originally posted by alston_79:okay. i am getting response that are so. sharp. okay, maybe the way i think is wrong and stuff, but what you all are supporting in, does that means its right? *btw, i know wheres the limit, as for army, i am quite well informed about life in there cause my mum works in a barrarcks. so thanks for the concern of some of you all.
and people, relax. its just a forum post, i am not going out for a petition and rallying for student's rights, neither rioting is informed. its virtual.
ahh... dun worry... u're not the first to do this... It's been done quite alot of times b4 already...
Originally posted by I-like-flings(m):I bet u havent kena the "I am the PM, the president, the MP, the PAP member, the elite" part yet.....
kannabu, school repoening. all go back sturry